Genres of the Generation: Chart-topping Genres In The Industry Today

The music industry today has come a long way from where it used to be. First off, there are definitely a lot more artists trying to make a name for themselves than there were a few decades ago. Second, there are more platforms now than there were back in the day, making it easier for artists to reach audiences and ultimately market their music. Naturally, as music is dynamic and ever-changing, a few new genres emerged. Basically, a genre is a label we give to a certain category of music that has its own distinct characteristics. Just like people, music, too, has a wide range of varieties. From the old classics, rhythm and blues, and jazz to the more modern pop, techno, and EDM, music offers a wide range of choices. As a result of this, the charts are now teeming with music from all kinds of genres, both old and new. So to clarify any degree of confusion about these genres, we’ll break it down for you. Here are 5 of the most famous genres in the industry today.


To start off this list, let’s begin with the most in-demand genre of them all — pop music. The word “pop” credits its origins to the word “popular,” and it traces its roots to the rock n’ roll genre back in the 1950s. Today, however, the genre has evolved into something that has its own unique sound, which is commonly achieved through the use of synthesizers, bass or electric guitars, and drums. Some of the most famous artists under this genre include Madonna, Britney Spears, and of course, the King of Pop himself, Michael Jackson.


Country music is a musical genre characterized by harmonies from string instruments and occasional percussion. It traces its roots to the Southern part of the United States and is commonly performed with the use of steel and electric guitars. It rose to prominence back in the 1920s and 1930s and is now a massive industry in the US, with several producers investing some serious investment money into Country labels. Although it’s mainly just popular in the US, some artists have been successful at reaching a global audience. These artists include Taylor Swift, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, and Shania Twain.


Independent music, otherwise known as Indie music, is a type of genre that originated from artists who chose to self-produce their own tracks and albums. Contrary to popular belief, Indie music does not have a single or well-defined style. It simply refers to works that have been produced independently from big companies of labels. In today’s time, however, several people use this term to identify songs with more whimsical and lofi sounds. This “genre” of music can credit its popularity to artists such as the Arctic Monkeys, Bon Iver, and Nirvana.


EDM or Electronic Dance Music is perhaps one of the most popular new genres to emerge in recent years. This genre credits its conception to club and festival DJs who combine several music and effects into one track to create what they call a mix. This type of music is widely used in nightclubs, raves, and music festivals like Tomorrowland and Coachella. However, due to the popularity of raves and music festivals, several of these so-called mixes have now been professionally produced into albums and are now joining the race of musical charts. Some of the artists known for producing this type of music are David Guetta, Avicii, Marshmello, and Calvin Harris.


Originally called “Rock N’ Roll,” the genre has now evolved into something so complex and interesting, that it’s honestly quite hard to describe. The story of this genre began in the 50s and was originally produced with the use of string instruments. Today, songs of this genre are performed with the use of more modern instruments like electric guitars, bass guitars, and drums. Rock music may have several sub-genres associated with it, but some of their common traits include loud beats, energetic delivery, fast tempo, and so on. This genre also credits its popularity to some of music’s biggest stars like Elvis Presley, The Beatles, The Rolling Stones, Fleetwood Mac, Led Zeppelin, and AC/DC.
