Impressive and Outrageously Expensive Private Yachts and Jets Owned by Your Favorite Celebrity

Suppose you are a wealthy celebrity who can get a six to seven-figure paycheck just by doing a few minutes of advertisements or a multi-million-dollar contract to star in a movie or TV series. Chances are you will also splurge on material possessions. Many have chosen to acquire highly expensive cars and houses. There are those, however, who prefer the more adventurous feel of the air and the sea and have therefore made investments in private jets and yachts with prices high enough to make your jaw drop in amazement. Since they have the money, it is certainly alright for them to buy jets and yachts. They are, after all, living their dream. As fans of these celebrities, we also share in their dream by getting to know more about the rides that they’ve chosen for themselves. You will discover that not only do these actors and actresses travel in style, they also travel in class, and are willing to spend on flight amenities, too! Discover which among them have the classiest and most lavish jets and yachts!

Bono’s Kingdom Come

If you are the lead singer of a famous band, you might want to own a yacht that could take you anywhere you want. Such was the case of Bono, who bought a ship estimated to be worth $22 million. The lead vocalist made huge investments in this boat and named it “Kingdom Come”. There are no doubts that when he purchased the 1997-made superyacht, Bono only has one thing in mind, and that is to look glamorous, expensive, and luxurious.

For someone with a net worth of around $700 million, the price can be considered chump change. After all, Bono doesn’t even need to worry about taking out personal loans. He had the yacht remodeled, repainted, and rebranded to suit his lifestyle and status as a wealthy celebrity. The yacht now resembles a luxury hotel that features not just a master suite, but also a hot-tub and gold-plated furniture!

Harrison Ford’s Cessna 680 Sovereign

Whenever the subject of celebrity pilots comes up, the name Harrison Form unavoidably comes up. He has been involved in two crashes in his lifetime but it has not stopped the actor from pursuing his love for flying. He simply enjoys the feeling of being able to cruise above the roofing of houses, beyond mountains and seas. He is an accomplished pilot, and counting his days in Star Wars, a well-experienced one, too.

Among the eight planes and helicopters he owns, the Cessna 680 Sovereign stands out because it has a price tag of about $18 million. However, before purchasing that, he made sure that it would not make even a tiny dent in his bank accounts and damage his impressive credit score. Despite his notoriety for being a skilled pilot, Harrison Ford deserves praise for occasionally joining search and rescue efforts to help people in need. He sure knows how to put his skills to good use.

John Travolta’s Boeing 707

John’s passion has extended to making sure he owned a Boeing 707 that he can use at his command. His net worth of $170 million made it easy for him to acquire the jet which carries a price tag of over $50 million. He loves flying an airplane so much that in his Florida home, the actor even built a private airport which allows him the freedom to fly any of his four planes. The actor has, to his credit, 11 different flying certifications, including one for a Bombardier Challenger 601, which is another aircraft he owns.

What made the Boeing 707 special is that John donated it to the Historical Aircraft Restoration Society. The Society is reportedly working with the Australian government authorities to bring the aircraft to Australia by 2021. We just hope that he is excellent at flying and that there won’t be any terrible news regarding one of his planes in the future.

Beyonce’ & Jay-Z’s Galactica Star

Power couple Beyonce and Jay-Z do not own a yacht, but they rented out a superyacht named “Galactica” where they enjoyed the mammoth yacht’s floating mansion. They fell in love with all of the ship’s 213 feet which is like a floating beach club with guest rooms, a swimming pool, a Jacuzzi, and a sauna. Did we mention it also has a sundeck and a helipad? These convenient features will come in handy whenever they decide to throw a party for all their A-list friends.

If some of their friends are running late, they can just hire a helicopter and land in the middle of the ocean! We can give the couple credit for coming up with the idea of a perfect date or vacation now that we are limited in movement. If we can afford the rent of $900,000 per week, we surely can enjoy the week cruising around Florida’s waters on a yacht.

Selena Gomez’s Bombardier Challenger 300

Technically, Selena does not yet own a private jet, but it appears she is renting one out for an estimated $250,000 per month. At her young age, spending that much on a private plane is a significant achievement. After all, there aren’t many people that have the means to do so. Even if they did, renting a private jet each month is an investment that’s not for everyone. It is not a surprise, however, as the highly-lauded singer is successful.

She certainly has gone a long way from being a budding actress to a beautiful young woman with a successful career. To let the world know she also enjoys some luxury, she posted various photos of herself inside the Bombardier Challenger 300. If she ever wants to purchase one of these planes, she will need to shell out around $6 million, on top of the maintenance cost and gas expenses. For now, she’s content with traveling in style and class.

Bill Gates’ Bombardier BD-700 Global Express

If you ever played that game online where you get to spend Bill Gates’ money, you’ll probably need to purchase hundreds of his BD-700 Global Express to make a dent in the man’s riches. Because of a few decisive actions in the past, the once-richest man on the planet has made investment decisions that made him accumulate so much wealth. For sure, he can afford to buy more airplanes, but for now, he is focused on the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, allocating $300 million to fight diseases.

And since he is still one of the richest people, we know that he will not stop there and continue to help other people. His choice of the plane is not the most expensive, but if it serves the purpose, why not? The aircraft has everything a tech billionaire could ever want and need: the requisite internet connection, gadgets that are not yet available to the public, and other cool features we can only imagine.

Matthew McConaughey’s Bombardier Global 7000

If there’s any pattern you might see from celebrities born and raised in Texas, it is their love for airplanes in general. Perhaps there is something in their experience growing up that made them interested in flying. That is the reason why buying a plane to fly at will is no problem for the Dazed and Confused actor, as his net worth of $95 million allows him to do so.

His Bombardier Global 7000 is estimated to be $72.8 million, and he most likely did not have to obtain a business loan to buy it. This private jet has its own customized kitchen and a master suite. Matthew likes to display his ride and make sure that it is seen by many, too. In a party he attended back in May 2016, his Bombardier was the star of the night. Fellow celebrities even got to take a sneak peek, which for sure they loved!

Lady Gaga’s Boeing 757

Lady Gaga’s reputation is that of flamboyance, class, and eccentricity. Her singing skills are super and her artistic character is one of the best. When it comes to her style choices, she chooses quirky outfits. She is so well-loved by fans and her sponsors that Live Nation gifted her a Boeing 757 worth $80 million. She probably could afford it if she decided to purchase one herself, given that her credit reports are all excellent.

The plane was certainly put to good use because whenever she has a concert to do, it would carry her managers, crew, and many more. Netizens described the Boeing 757 as a masterpiece, and nothing less should be expected of a plane owned by Lady Gaga! There are other things that this plane consists of, but to make things seem easier to understand, we will just summarize it by saying that it really is a luxurious and elegant aircraft.

Celine Dion’s Bombardier Global Express

If you are a Canadian singer and diva with a $65 million home, better equip it with a reliable home security system. Pair the house with a luxurious $42 million jet, and you will be set. This is precisely what beloved idol Celine Dion did. The singer is quite known for having expensive taste, and her choice of home and aircraft is definitely not an exception. When the plane was designed, she had it fitted with custom leather interiors.

The 14-passenger plane will have no issue accommodating friends or family traveling with her. On top of a classy flight, Celine and her visitors will be treated to sumptuous meals prepared by her personal chef, who can cook up whatever she fancies. The singer is, apparently, in love with her private jet, so much so that even though she’s let go of her other properties, there’s no sign she is letting go of the plane!

Jamie Foxx and Katie Holmes’ Utopia III

The couple was seen kissing each other in public in 2018. This act was a slight change from their camera-shy behavior in the past. Being in Florida and in a superyacht named Utopia III might have ignited the romance between them. The two have been in a relationship for almost a decade, and it is no surprise that they bought a superyacht together. Utopia III is reportedly valued at $7 million, which is well below the combined net worth of the two.

The massive investment yacht has ten crew members and features five staterooms with separate his-and-her bathrooms. It also has walk-in wardrobes! Visitors apparently love the enormous sundeck because it made the yacht look more amazing even on the inside. If there would ever come a time, it would be such an honor and a great experience to be invited into this luxurious ship and join the two on a deluxe dinner.

Michael Jordan’s Mr. Terrible

Naming a luxury yacht Mr. Terrible sounds like a terrible idea. Insurance companies might shy away from providing coverage with such a name, but that is what NBA legend Michael Jordan chose for his yacht. This sleek 154-foot yacht can reach a top speed of up to 24 knots, and it packs some pretty cool features, too. It has an underwater camera which makes watching life under the sea available for Michael and his guests.

There is a bar, for when they want to relax, and the design of the ship is mostly Art Deco. There are nice tropical touches as well that give a somewhat seaside feel. With a net worth of over one billion dollars, Michael doesn’t just have a yacht, but he also has several planes. We know that for MJ, buying all these amazing things is a great investment since he has been using them wisely and enjoying them.

Angelina Jolie’s Cirrus SR22

Humanitarian work can be a tiresome job, but it can also take you places. Given the draining nature of the lifestyle that Angelina has chosen, she probably wanted to get rid of the hassle of flying commercial, and at the end of a business day, wind up aboard a jet ready for the next destination. If you think that she is only a passenger, let us tell you that this is not the case because Angelina is also a fully licensed pilot.

Her small Cirrus SR22, valued at $650,000, can fit 4 to 5 people and the actress is no stranger to piloting the aircraft, either since she has learned from the best. What is impressive is that she is not keeping her piloting skills to herself. Angelina promised Maddox, her son, that she would teach him how to fly. With great enthusiasm, we give credit to Angelina for being an incredible mom!

Chris Brown’s Gulfstream IV

If anything, Chris Brown is known for living a life of luxury. He may not have his own private jet or yacht, but when he travels, he makes sure that it is an exclusive affair. Reports say that Chris rents out a Gulfstream whenever the singer travels. The round trip is estimated to be $110,000. Being a star of his caliber, it makes sense that he travels with a select number of people, not sparing any expense.

If he travels often, however, his financial advisor may suggest purchasing a private jet instead, which is something that he can clearly afford since he has a net worth of around $50 million. One benefit to owning his own plane is that he can customize and design it however he likes. Of course, it would also be cost-effective in the long run because the singer would not need to rent every time he needs to travel.

Leonardo DiCaprio’s Topaz

The Titanic actor has starred in many blockbuster movies, and with each successful film, he gets not only the agreed amount in the contract but perhaps even more in terms of bonuses. As such, his net worth has increased, and he can afford to rent a superyacht that is believed to be priced at $1.2 million per week. That crazy amount is high enough to pay the student loans of many recent graduates!

Money most definitely is not an issue with this actor considering he is building a resort on an island he owns. If you live on an island that has set you back $1.5 million, a superyacht will definitely be a necessity. Leonardo hosting parties and splurging on food and drinks reminds us of some of the scenes in his amazing and successful films. You can say that Leonardo DiCaprio really is the Wolf of Wall Street.

Roberto Cavalli’s Baglietto Yacht

If the name Cavalli does not ring a bell, do not worry. It is not a common name, but he is a well-known Italian designer of luxury clothing, perfumes, and leather accessories. Being in the industry connected to class and style, you would not expect Roberto, an able 80-year-old man, to go out on a regular passenger cruise. As expected, he owns an $80 million custom-built “Baglietto” yacht. The 134-foot long superyacht can accommodate eight guests and four crew members.

One thing that makes Roberto’s vessel unique is the color. When looking from the outside, the color appears to shift, and the shiny feel to it is just lovely. He should make sure to have an excellent home security system installed to prevent any robbers from breaking in, given the attractive hue of the vessel’s hull. Since there have been no bad news regarding any trespassing, he may have installed it already!

Rihanna’s Superyacht

Estimated to command a rent of $125,000 to $350,000 per week, Rihanna’s choice of yachts certainly falls under the category of luxury and class. Having grown up near the water in Barbados, Rihanna could not shake off the longing to be at sea. When she has that craving for the sea breeze and a splash of seawater on her toes, she would head out and rent a yacht.

As it happens, renting or buying these long yachts is becoming a trend among celebrities nowadays. So, there would be no doubts that she will also buy her own yacht soon enough. The degree of customization they would do depends on their net worth, style, and perhaps the input of an interior designer. If those celebrities can afford to pay for the rent or the outright purchase, they would surely do it. I mean, what is stopping them, right?

Jackie Chan’s Embraer Legacy

Jackie is no stranger to adventure, having been given credit by the Guinness Book of World Records for Most Stunts Performed by a Living Actor. It only makes sense that he decided to fly and spend a considerable sum to enjoy the recognition. The Rush Hour actor did not rush to purchase a plane, but when he eventually did, the Karate Kid star opted for an Embraer Legacy, which is valued at around $20 million.

Don’t worry, Jackie Chan has already saved up tons of money to ensure that he would not need to rely on personal loans even after purchasing this beauty. The aircraft was delivered to him in 2016, but this was not his first Embraer because he got an Embraer Legacy 650 back in 2012. Jackie says that the plane will serve as his home office and will be useful for short flights. Imagine Jackie Chan working from “home” instead of making his signature kicking moves. It would be interesting.

Tom Hanks’ ENIGMA

There is no doubt that Tom Hanks is a romantic man. He has starred in many films and partnered with various leading ladies. They were all praises for his gentlemanly behavior, and nothing less is expected with how he treats his wife. When Tom and his wife, Rita Wilson, went to celebrate their wedding anniversary, the Sully lead actor did not rent a plane, but rather a yacht named “ENIGMA,” where the two of them enjoyed a romantic getaway.

The cost was reported to be $275,000 per week, which should not be a problem considering the massive investments under the couple’s name. Rita must have felt like a queen during that time, and definitely, she deserves no less than royal treatment! Since Tom Hanks is successful in his career and does not have any plans to stop yet, we are sure that he will soon buy a yacht of his own in the future.

Kirsty Bertarelli’s Vava II

Kirsty is a songwriter and was the former Miss UK. Her husband, Ernesto Bertarelli, is an avid aficionado of yachting and has even won the American Cup in 2003 and 2007. So it makes sense that the couple have their own yacht and probably one of the best yachts on this list. Vava II, however, is no ordinary superyacht as it comes at the rather steep price of $130 million, which is orders of magnitude more expensive than other yachts on this list.

For the fourth richest woman in the UK who has a net worth of around $12.20 billion, the amount was not a problem. The two would usually sail away whenever they have downtime to relax. All they needed was to gas up and they would be good to go. Another unique piece of trivia about the yacht is that it took credit for being the 33rd largest in the world.

Jerry Seinfeld’s Gulfstream V

The famous comedian and Hollywood personality, Jerry Seinfeld appears to be serious about his love for planes and his passion for flying. With a net worth north of $860 million in the bag, his purchase of the Gulfstream V private jet barely made a dent in his overall fortune. He would be expected to pay insurance and maintenance though, which could drive the cost higher as these would have to be spent annually.

For someone like Jerry, however, the trade-off that he’ll get from flying should be worth it. He can afford to live like a king, after all. All the work he did for Seinfeld makes us say that he deserves it. What is essential for fans is that Jerry remains happy so that he can continue to make his audience laugh out loud. Being in the comedy business since 1976, this should not be a problem for the 66-year old.

Enrique Iglesias’s Gulfstream IV

Many claims that Enrique Iglesias is secretly a vampire given that he does not appear to have aged from the time he launched his first single. Can you believe that this singer-songwriter is 45 years old? To his credit, he can pass for someone decades younger than him without putting in much effort. With many Billboard-topping singles under his belt, this Mexican pop sensation deserves the best the world can offer.

He has taken a liking for planes and even went on to train to get a pilot’s license. He can fly small and medium planes as well as helicopters. Enrique took his love for flying to the next level by buying a business jet, a Gulfstream IV, for $3.6 million. The next step for the singer is to get certified to fly big and commercial-sized planes, so let us wait if he is up to the challenge!

Steven Spielberg’s Seven Seas

Steven Spielberg is one of the top directors in the industry and having been involved in a successful movie like Jaws, you would think that Steven would avoid large bodies of water as much as he can. That did not happen, however. Instead, he purchased a 282-foot long yacht that cost him $184 million. He named it “Seven Seas.” The boat has a spa, a helipad, a cinema, and a gym.

When he hosts a party aboard the yacht, we’re sure it ends up being fun, given the many activities one could do. Steven, however, reportedly feels that accommodating 12 people is not enough, so rumor has it that he is looking for a bigger yacht. As of 2019, it appears he has not sold the yacht yet, which is now valued at around $200 million. Anyone purchasing it would probably need a business loan to afford the rather steep price.

Tom Cruise’s Gulfstream IV

With Tom Cruise filming Mission Impossible 7 now, it would be expected of him to travel to all parts of the globe to locate good spots that can be included in the film. With his status as a celebrity, it is often difficult to travel commercially and there are a couple of things his camp needs to check first. Privacy is crucial to these celebrities, so they try to get as much as they can, even if they literally have to pay a sum for it.

Even his home has to be guarded by a home security system to deter any invaders. With that said, it makes sense that the actor purchased a $36 million aircraft that can accommodate 19 people and two crew members, which is more than enough room for his entire staff to mingle while in the sky. With his own plane, Tom can travel with ease from one location to another and take his career to new heights.

Elvis Presley’s Convair 880

Even though he’s been gone for decades now, the King of Rock and Roll deserves to be on this list. When he was still alive, Elvis purchased a Convair 880 worth $600,000. In 1975, the amount was considerable and would be equivalent to $2.9 million in today’s money when taking inflation into account. That amount is not a laughing matter, but in Elvis’ case, that’s just a speck of dust. The Convair was a narrow-body jet and was meant to compete with two giants at the time, Boeing 707 and the Douglas DC-8.

Being the most celebrated singer of his time, Elvis certainly deserved nothing but the best. When he remodeled the plane, he asked the decorators behind Air Force One to install gold-plating for his bathroom fittings. After customization, the seating capacity was expanded to accommodate 28 people. He also named the plane Lisa Marie, as a credit to his daughter.

Simon Cowell’s Gulfstream G550

For many people, especially those auditioning for X-Factor, seeing Simon Cowell is enough to make them cower in fear. The former American Idol judge is known for his incisive comments on the talents being shown on stage, and he sure does not mince his words. While he may project a rather condescending personality, he is actually a kind man and lives just like any regular celebrity. However, when it is time to grind some contracts and hone his talents’ skills, Simon is definitely one to bring his game face on.

His home in California worth $29 million, however, is a testament that he also lives rather lavishly. In addition to that, he also owns a $61.5 million Gulfstream G550, for which he surely spent a lot of money to customize. Simon was once bankrupt, so it would be better if he observed his expenses and worked with a credible financial advisor to minimize the risk of going into the reds once again.

Larry Page & Sergey Brin’s Boeing 767-200

The two founders of Google are technically not the owners of the Google jet, but given they own Google, it is almost the same thing. The top executives already own a 757, and they added this $40 million jet to their collection. For another $10 million, they renovated the private jet adding a dining area, two staterooms, room for an additional 15 passengers, and a cool-looking interior. They also use the plane for partying.

After all, there’s no cooler way to spend a party than onboard a private jet. In true luxurious fashion, Sergey ordered a king-size bed for his room, and we would not be surprised if his private quarter is packed with all kinds of modern amenities. What is interesting about Google and their aircraft is that they were given a private terminal at Mineta San Jose International Airport where they can gas up the plane, rest, and take off to their destination.

JK Rowling’s Amphitrite

There aren’t really any yachts or airplanes at Hogwarts, but the Harry Potter creator thought she deserved a break for all her struggles. The Harry Potter universe is what brought about JK Rowling’s success. When she wrote the books, people all over the world loved reading them, and it became a global hit, especially when people saw her work adapted into films.

So, for someone like her who had a difficult past and who often felt pinned to the flooring, she thought that a yacht would be a good reminder that she is now under better circumstances. The vessel is valued at $28 million and has a master bedroom, five lush cabins, a water sports cinema, and a satellite TV. Everything one could wish for is already inside. Once you step inside, you can almost feel magic at work. You can probably imagine Ron Weasley having a fit of happiness in one of the cabins.

Floyd “Money” Mayweather’s Gulfstream IV and G650

With an estimated net worth of $450 million, Floyd Mayweather can afford to splurge on material things whenever he wants. The boxing champion who made money from various fights, advertisements, endorsements, and promotions did not surprise anyone when he purchased two private planes. Each aircraft is at least $40 million. Given that price, the insurance premium on it must also be huge.

This should not be an issue for the wealthy athlete, however. His Gulfstream G650 is reportedly valued at $60 million. He has used it in flights not just across the US, but also around various parts of the world. The interior has been remodeled to fit the lifestyle and preferences of the boxer. Another fantastic fact about the plane is that it can travel as fast as 650 mph! That’s a surefire way to get to his desired destination with little to no hiccups.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s Gulfstream III

If you are the governor of a state that is larger than most other countries in the world, it will help if you have a private plane, so that it would be easier for you to travel from one part of the state to another. This is critical, especially if there is any serious business that needs urgent attention. This is undoubtedly the case with Arnold, who had to commute from Sacramento to LA on many occasions.

His 1982 Gulfstream III, though not as recent as others, served its purpose and ferried him across various counties. The plane costs about $35 million. With a carrying capacity of 12 passengers and a range of 6,760 kilometers, Arnold can always depend on the Gulfstream for both private and public flights. No one could accuse him of living off of taxpayer money. After all, he is given credit as the Governor who refused to take a state pay.

Jay-Z’s Bombardier Challenger 850

The rapper does not only own a yacht, he is also the proud owner of a Bombardier Challenger 850 that is estimated to have set him back $40 million. Unlike a yacht, which he and his family use with leisure and relaxation in mind. However, this one was more like a business investment, since he would usually ride the plane when on official business, like during tours and shows.

To make traveling as comfortable as possible for Jay-Z, the crew, and his staff, the aircraft is fitted with all the basic and luxurious amenities they need. His plane boasts a spacious kitchen, a bedroom, a living room, and even two bathrooms. With all the gadgets inside, the plane must consume a lot of fuel and electricity during each flight. Those certainly add to the overall cost of owning the airplane. With his net worth, though, it should not be a big problem at all.

Gisele Bundchen and Tom Brady’s Gulfstream G550

For the high-profile couple Tom Brady and Gisele Bundchen, traveling means sacrificing their privacy, and that’s not the way they want it to go down on their way to their desired destination. Whenever they go, even at airports, fans would usually rush in and ask to have selfies or autographs from them. While they love their fans, it sometimes can be a hassle, and it can even result in being late for their flights, which is a big inconvenience on their part.

It’s a good thing this will not happen anymore as they have a $50 million Gulfstream G550 that they can hop on to whenever they need to be at an engagement elsewhere. The jet’s black exterior is sleek and screams class, fit for the power couple. Also, if they have not done so yet, the two must have a home security system installed at their home for added peace of mind and privacy, too.

Seth McFarlane’s Gulfstream

The man behind The Family Guy is frequently criticized for his show, which they say is not that appealing for many of his American audience. However, the show has been a success since it started in 1999 and that just goes to show that he can never truly please everybody with his program. With a net worth of $300 million, it is unlikely that Seth will be applying for a personal loan anytime soon.

In fact, he was able to purchase a Gulfstream estimated to be worth $50 million, which is a sentiment that he has plenty of money to spare. He most likely had the interior remodeled to his liking. Seth should also consider leasing out the plane when he isn’t using it so that he can get some revenue from it. With the economy wreaking havoc on everyone, we can never be secure, and this is true even for those with a high net worth.

Tracy McGrady – Falcon 2000

T-mac can take credit for being the first NBA player to purchase a private jet. After he bought a Falcon 2000 for an estimated $27 million, other players followed suit. Tracy’s business manager initially said that the plane would pay for itself because upon careful consideration, he thought that buying the plane would cost less than traveling commercially. They also thought of leasing out the plane. The aircraft, however, did not stay in T-Mac’s possession that long.

Not long after purchase, he sold it, which means that they probably did not recover as much of the money they poured into it. T-mac and his camp didn’t provide any details on why he sold it all of a sudden. Of course, it is always best to take into account various factors when making a purchase. With a net worth of $75 million, he might be able to afford a yacht or perhaps even another plane in the future.

Magic Johnson’s Gulfstream G-III

His name is Magic for a reason. Being one of the most accomplished NBA players of all time, he retired in glory, too. The basketball star, however, did not end his career then and instead tried his hand in other lines of work. As it turned out, he was able to do well, and with the guidance of financial advisors and business managers, he was able to become even more successful with his life outside the hardwood.

His businesses require him to travel all around the US so he purchased a Gulfstream G-III to be able to travel at will and in private. Though long-retired from the public eye, he still attracts quite a large crowd when he is out and about. What we know about these celebrities is that they value their privacy and are willing to pay money so that they can enjoy that little bit of time away from the crowd.

Billy Joel’s Vendetta

It is common public knowledge that the singer-songwriter Billy Joel is passionate about his hobbies. One of his hobbies happens to be sailing. From the looks of things, the “piano man” can also be called “boatman” to a certain degree. At one point, Billy owned five boats, but these proved to be too much, so he sold four of them and retained his 57-foot long “Vendetta”. This boat is fitted with all the essentials Billy needs when going out to sea.

With a cost of $1.2 million, Billy did not need to obtain a personal loan to purchase the yacht. He recently put the boat up for sale, however, and when the new owners seized it up, they renovated it to become an offshore cruiser, built to last in the harsh conditions of the sea. We wonder what Billy’s plans are. Is he going to buy another yacht, or perhaps he’ll be purchasing a private jet instead? With his love for the water, we are guessing it will be the former.

Taylor Swift’s Dassault Falcon 900

While the beautiful singer might not seem to be as wealthy as the others, do not be deceived. She owned two private jets until recently. She had to sell her smaller Dassault Falcon 50 given that most of the world has gone into economic stagnation. The singer, however, decided to keep the bigger Falcon 900 for future use. The jet is valued at $40 million and can carry 2 crew members and 10 passengers.

We certainly want to let Taylor travel in peace given that she has figured in a number of high-level issues recently. She will most likely engage the services of lawyers to help her with her problems about her master tapes being sold to another company. We hope that the legal predicament is solved soon!

Giorgio Armani’s Main

Without needing any business loan, the fashion idol Giorgio Armani purchased a 210-foot long yacht that he named “Main.” At $60 million, buying the boat did not even make a dent on his $8 billion net worth. The living legend of fashion in the modern world is much content with his endeavor. His passion for fashion is reflected on his boat. The yacht is accentuated with natural birchwood, which prevails in the interior design and was applied to the floors and indoor stairs.

This beauty has a cinema, a gym, a large living space, and it can also accommodate 12 of Giorgio’s friends. The boat itself reflects the personality and style of the fashion icon. The exterior is painted with a sleek dark green, while the interior is fitted with Armani Casa furniture. He also installed other gadgets and fixtures that will make his life and that of the 14 crew onboard comfortable during excursions into the water. We can only imagine how parties in the boat would be!

Mark Cuban’s Gulfstream V

Suppose Forbes ranks you as the 179th richest person on the globe, it means that you have made excellent financial decisions, including making sure you have adequate insurance coverage. That must have been the case with American billionaire Mark Cuban who purchased a $40 million Gulfstream V so that he can travel quickly to places he needs to be. This jet won’t even dent his huge net worth nor send him into bankruptcy.

When he is not a businessman who travels around the world, Mark has to make sure he travels whenever they have a game, which can be anywhere in the US considering he has a majority stake in the Dallas Mavericks. Aside from his business dealings, he is also widely-known in philanthropic circles, which makes traveling a necessity. Hence, investing in a plane was the right move for the businessman. With a net worth of $4.2 billion, he can surely afford a few luxurious purchases every now and then without having to worry about his bottom line.


He likes to be called “THE EDGE”, but his real name is David Howell Evans. As a member of the band U2, he frequently flies to various parts of the world to hold concerts. As such, during his downtime, he likes going to the water to relax. His boat, “The Cyan,” reportedly set him back $12 million. THE EDGE will of course still have to pay for gas, maintenance, and other costs, but he sure can afford it.

He definitely won’t fall into money loans for this purchase! With a carrying capacity of 12 passengers, he can also host fabulous parties onboard. The music during one of these parties must be lovely and the beat would definitely send everyone running to the dance floor. His guests can also enjoy the Jacuzzi, the gym, and the media center. When the yacht is idle, THE EDGE rents it out for $192,000.

Peter Jackson’s Gulfstream G550

Most people have transformed a part of their home to be an office, especially during this economic downturn where everyone is forced to be inside. When Peter Jackson was filming the Lord of the Rings, he had to make frequent travels from LA to New Zealand, and that could be tiring. Valuable time is generally lost when flying, so to make the most out of it, he made sure that the Gulfstream G550 is equipped with a small studio where he can also work.

Peter previously had a Gulfstream IV, but when traveling to New Zealand, the plane had to make frequent stops to gas up, so the famous director bought the G550 instead so he could make the flight nonstop. As we know, time is money, and Peter just wants to maximize whatever time he has. He definitely does not want to fall prey to bankruptcy and money loans. We know it will be easy for Mr. Jackson to meet his deadlines.

Phil Mickelson’s Gulfstream V

As a famed golfer, Phil has to often compete in various parts of the US and the world. As such, traveling in a private jet seems like a good move so that he won’t have to live with the hassles of flying commercial. Phil also leads a busy life, and with a net worth of more than $400 million, he can afford the niceties of life. Well, he probably enlisted the help of a financial advisor to make a large purchase like this.

Phil thought that an investment in a $60 million Gulfstream V is worth it, so he took the bait and bought one. After all, flying for a short period of time is a return on his investment. The private plane can carry 14 people. To make travel more bearable and comfortable, the designers installed a media player and internet access in the aircraft. He certainly did not spare any expense to make sure he enjoys the best of everything.

Jim Carrey’s Gulfstream V

When making big purchases, financial advisors would usually suggest adhering to the “pinch principle,” which means that if the purchase is like getting a pinch of salt from a larger pack, then proceed and just face the music. If it is similar to taking a scoop, however, either delay or proceed with caution after considering all angles. It appears that Jim Carrey did not follow this advice, and with a net worth of $150 million, he went on to purchase a $60 million Gulfstream V.

To his defense, however, the actor does lease out the plane when he isn’t using it. So, perhaps he thought of renting it out even beforehand. He usually charges $8,000 per hour. He has somehow made the right move in making the investment as it also brings in a small income to help with the maintenance. Those who want to experience the life of Jim Carrey can therefore contact the Bruce Almighty actor and hop on a flight.

Neymar’s Cessna 680

Neymar recently figured in a tax fraud case where a court in Barcelona, Spain, slapped him with a $1.2 million fine. He probably thought his lawyers did a lousy job of representing him, but the case appeared impeccable. In 2015, A couple of years before the lawsuit was lodged, the football player already took out a loan to purchase a Cessna 680 for $9.1 million. He already owned another plane of the same model and a helicopter, so it is unclear why he decided to purchase a second one.

Perhaps, he just wants to have an aircraft ready in case the first choice is not available for some reason or he just wanted to make an investment to add to his portfolio. The football star might also have thought of leasing it out to those who can afford it, which is a wise idea since he has a lot of friends and acquaintances who would be willing to do so.

Tiger Woods’s Privacy Yacht

Having undergone a very public divorce where both sides had to engage the help of attorneys to divide their assets, Tiger Woods felt that he needed a lot of privacy to mull things out. With what was left after the divorce settlement — around $740 million — the golfer decided to buy a yacht worth $20 million, which is not only a good investment but just the kind of splurge he needed to make. He named it “Privacy” as it was precisely what he needed.

He wouldn’t want anyone else under his roof, just him and his privacy. Whenever he is inside the vessel, Tiger can be a complete recluse. It is understandable as the sea craft has a lounge bar, a gym, and a theater. An average person would probably not go out of the yacht for weeks at a time since they could live a luxurious life on the yacht itself. If he feels like inviting friends over, the boat can accommodate up to 21 guests.

Sergio Garcia’s Hawker 850

Branding and the quality of a product matters a lot. Sergio believed this and considered it when he made an investment in a private jet. He chose to go with a Hawker 850, saying that he heard so much about the quality of the planes manufactured by the company. With the plane amounting to $16 million, it was certainly above the typical price for private jets but rest assured, it will not bury him in money loans to banks.

This goes to show that people are willing to pay a premium so long as the quality is guaranteed, we hope that aircraft liability and hull insurance is included in the price of the jet. The plane can accommodate up to seven people and make traveling to his tournaments a breeze. Sergio also owns a Hawker 850XP, and because of these planes, he said that he was never late for a game.

DJ Khaled’s Gulfstream G2

Surprisingly, DJ Khaled, someone who admittedly has a fear of flying, owns a private jet. This was definitely a brave investment for him. It makes sense for him to make this purchase, since he reportedly spends up to $38,000 per round trip. This is also the lease cost for those interested to rent it out. The per-flight price is on top of the purchase amount of a Gulfstream G2, estimated to be at least $2 million.

A regular G2 can accommodate up to 13 passengers and has a speed of 508 mph. Considering he owns a $10 million home, it is not far-fetched that DJ Khaled made an investment in a plane. How did he tackle his fear of flying, though? It appears that his son, Asad, has a role in it. Inspired by his son, he finally broke his decades-long fear of flying and boarded his private jet. This is a prestigious experience that he gets to spend with his family, free from fear of flying.

Diane von Fürstenberg’s Eos

One mark of a luxury yacht is that it has more crew members than passengers. Such is the case for “Eos”, Diane von Fürstenberg’s yacht. It carries 21 crew members who are ready to serve 16 guests, including the fashionista herself. Those invited would be amazed at the mammoth ship which is believed to boast a glass staircase and a gorgeous astern. With a value of $100 million, the yacht is undoubtedly elegant and lavish.

It features three masts, which can weather moderate storm conditions. It is best to avoid sailing during harsh seas, of course. The insurance premium on such a large and expensive vessel must also be huge, not to mention the annual maintenance cost. Fortunately for the fashion designer, her net worth of $1.2 billion is more than enough to cover said expenses. Undoubtedly, with a net worth like hers, she can purchase another gigantic yacht if she wants, either for a very profitable investment or just for more leisure.

Dave Coulier’s Beechcraft Bonanza B35

The Beechcraft Bonanza can only carry up to six passengers, but it does not mean it is not a luxury plane. Size, after all, is just one indication. When Dave Coulier purchased his B35, it was valued at $815,000. What a significant investment! What is interesting is that Dave learned how to fly at 15, a year earlier than the minimum age to get a driver’s license. He acquired his pilot’s license at 20 and officially started flying planes that he was rated to fly.

Dave’s airplane has a cruise speed of 203 mph and a range of 824 miles, which makes it suitable for short-haul flights. If he has the time, he can even teach someone else to fly as the Bonanza is often the entry-level plane for most aspiring civil pilots. Dave can use this to his advantage and make himself available to impart his knowledge to neophytes who are aspiring to be like him.

Kris Jenner’s O’Ceanos

Anyone who has been watching the reality TV show “Keeping Up with the Kardashians” will know that the family lives an extravagant lifestyle. In fact, they are so extravagant that their show has amassed a large sum of money. The family matriarch is no different from the rest, and she even rented out a yacht for a family vacation in Greece. Kris Jenner’s leased 162-foot superyacht is said to have set her back $185,000 in rent for a week.

Add the cost of gas, payment for the crew, and other expenses and that adds up to much! If you think about it though, they can afford to buy one as an investment, as well as for leisure. Perhaps Kris will consider purchasing one and then renting it out to fellow celebrities and then have it featured on their show! Either way, we’re sure many in her family have their own yacht or plane.

Michael Schumacher’s Falcon 200

Most celebrities and athletes can travel in style, while many regular folks can only dream of owning a yacht or a private jet either as an investment or for sheer leisure only. As a professional Formula One driver who is given credit as one of the greatest, Michael certainly has every right to travel luxuriously. With a net worth to the north of $800 million, he can afford it.

With a jet worth $22 million and a massive amount of money in his bank, Michael does not even have to work a single day anymore. He won’t even need to fear the possibility of bankruptcy either. If he feels like traveling at speed, he can ditch the car and simply hop on to his private aircraft, and off he goes to any destination as fast as lightning. He could be easily identified, however, as the tail of his plane has his initials on it!

Dr.Dre’s Naia

For a wealthy entrepreneur and rapper, owning a yacht sounds sensible and is an automatic investment. For some reason, however, Dr. Dre opted to just rent one, a luxury boat named “Naia” for $581,000 per week. Renting it four times a year would mean breaking even if he buys a regular yacht. His financial advisor should step in and tell him to just acquire a boat soon in his name, given that his $880 million net worth can afford it.

The superyacht he rents out is the very definition of luxury at 241-feet long. It also has entertainment facilities and a VIP suite. In addition, there are other facilities such as a deck jacuzzi, gym, water slides, helipad and five-person submarines. For sure the maintenance and fuel costs would also be massive, and maybe this is one of the reasons why he’s decidedly skipped buying one. It is indeed easy to be caught up in luxury and just forget the world.

Pitbull’s Arianna

If you have no plans of buying a yacht, there is nothing stopping you from renting one out. Pitbull probably thought the same. With a net worth of $90 million, there is no doubt he can afford one or even two. He would just need the advice of a financial advisor for this large purchase. When the rapper feels like indulging, however, he rents out “Arianna,” a superyacht that costs $225,000 per week.

When composing or recording a song, a great degree of silence and privacy is sometimes needed. If there is something called writer’s block, there must also be one for singers, too, which can be solved by separating from the rest of the world in a yacht. To his credit, his songs are so much fun and so money flows in. The boat also appeared in some of Pitbull’s music videos, serving as a testament to the importance of the vessel to him.

James Packer’s Arctic P

James Packer was born with a silver spoon as he inherited the family business and investments made in Crown Resorts and other companies. He has a passion for investing in luxurious properties in Australia. With a net worth of $3.6 billion, James has proven that he has business acumen, too. He made the empire grow bigger and better. As his business ventures require him to travel a lot and join stressful meetings, he decided to buy a yacht where he and his family can relax in total privacy.

The “Arctic P” features a swimming pool, an entertainment hub, and its own Jacuzzi. The inside of the yacht looks like a different world. Did we mention he used to be Mariah Carey’s fiancée? The two were together for one year. He ended up paying the songstress a multi-million dollar settlement. That was all in the past, and maybe he is looking for a life partner now.

Clint Eastwood’s Aerospatiale A-Star Helicopter

If your travels are all short hauls and you need to have the freedom to land almost anywhere, then a helicopter is best for you. It would be just like flying just above people’s roofs. Even with a high credit score, the popular actor has chosen to buy a $1.5 million Aerospatiale A-Star Helicopter instead of a private jet, which is also a wise investment after all. What is interesting is that aside from being a well-known filmmaker and musician, Clint is also an experienced actor.

He had been flying various planes and helicopters for over 30 years now. He can probably fly them even with eyes closed. The actor has even inspired his son, Scott, to be interested in flying. It is interesting to imagine the two of them co-piloting a plane or a jet, whatever suits them. That scene could very well make itself into one of Clint Eastwood’s films.

Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s Gulfstream G650

The G650 appears to be a favorite among celebrities. It comes as no surprise as it can accommodate up to 19 passengers. It is also a very popular business jet that corporations purchase for their executives. “The Rock,” coming from a story of rags to riches, thought that a G650 would suit his personality best. The purchase cost him $65 million, but he did not even need a business loan for it. Somehow, the purchase is an investment in itself since in the unlikely event that funds will below for “The Rock”, he can easily lease it out or sell it.

With a net worth of $320 million, it was an easy buy for him. Of course, as someone coming from a financially-challenged background, he still has to watch his expenses and make sure he does not go overboard. He may need the help of a financial advisor to organize all his expenses and his overall wealth. “The Rock” is entitled to enjoy a luxurious living now that he has recovered financially.

Justin Bieber’s Pearl Yacht

Young as he may be, Justin Bieber is already a well-accomplished singer. Some may dispute that, but he has his bank account to prove his financial success. With a net worth of $285 million, the young singer does not need to obtain any personal loan and can easily buy a private jet or yacht. He has chosen not to, however. He probably thinks it will be a waste of investment money. Perhaps the singer and his wife Hailey do not travel that often so it would not be cost-effective.

When the couple feels like going into the middle of the seas, however, they would rent the “Pearl” for $450,000 a week which is an amount any financial advisor would agree with, if he has one. The aluminum superstructure and steel hull make it a very sturdy explore yacht. Justin can certainly host seven days of a continuous party for his and Hailey’s friends.

Paris Hilton’s Boeing 747

When not catching frogs on her farm, Paris can be seen visiting other places. If that is the case, she would usually be on her $260 million Boeing 747 aircraft that she thinks is a grand investment. She also desires to fly her own aircraft thus she is learning its mechanics. In the past, one would think of the hotel heiress as living off the family’s riches. She has proven that to be not the case in many instances.

She has made her own name and fortune by selling and advertising products like handbags, footwear, and watches. She even owns the Paris Hilton Club Resort in the Philippines. We now know that Paris is not all gas but also full of substance and business sense. She is also known for her elegant taste and her keen sense of style. She indeed has come a long way from being perceived as a spoiled brat.

Tim McGraw’s Cirrus SR22

The beauty of a small plane is that it can easily be flown. This was perhaps what Tim wanted when he decided to purchase the SR22. Surely, he considers this purchase wise enough to put in a considerable amount of investment money. Aside from being a passenger, he can also be the pilot of the small aircraft which he bought for $650,000. What is unique about his plane is it has embroidered seats, and it also features a sticker with his wife’s name on its window which is a very romantic gesture.

Tim is undoubtedly dedicated to his fellow country singer wife. With a net worth of $85 million earned from his career as a singer, actor, and songwriter, Tim could easily make investments in a bigger plane or purchase another item of luxury like a yacht, but choosing a more intimate aircraft where he could fly with his wife seemed like a romantic decision.

Dennis Quaid’s Cessna Citation II

A family member being involved in an airplane accident could surely deter one from flying in a plane either as a pilot or a passenger. That has not stopped Dennis Quaid though. He loves flying so much that he held on to his Cessna 421 and Cessna Citation II. Perhaps he never considers his planes as investment because he is attached to them. Undoubtedly, he would have purchased insurance for the planes and even themselves.

A $1.3 million plane, after all, deserves all but the best coverage. The actor would have made the necessary precautions as well whenever he is on one of his planes in which case, he is an expert in doing. He reportedly spends quite a lot of time in the air. As a pilot of more than 30 years, the chance of an accident happening due to pilot error is slim, but of course, prevention is always better.

Bella Hadid’s JetLux

If there is anyone obsessed with jet planes it would be Bella Hadid, sister to Gigi. The Hollywood It Girl has been posting pictures of herself in front of or inside private jets, such as a JetLux. What is good about these photos is that she gets paid to post them on Instagram. Reports say she earns $100,000 per sponsored gig. There was even a picture of her eating pizza inside the plane.

In October 2020, Bella celebrated her 24th birthday inside a private jet, too! We hope they have insurance before boarding the jet because the risk is increased when at higher altitude. They appeared to have enjoyed the party that was complete with helium gas balloons! While she may not be able to buy a plane right now, it is possible she could in the future, given that her net worth is currently at $12 million and counting.

Kendall Jenner’s Axioma

Kendall Jenner does not own a yacht currently, but when they went on vacation for her 19th birthday in Monaco, she and her girlfriends reportedly went on a superyacht that she rented for $500,000 per week – a rather steep price for the yacht and not a very wise splurge like it may seem. But considering that the superyacht has a helipad, a two-story living room, a pool, and jet-skis, it was probably worth it.

The cruising speed of the boat was also at 20 knots, and it can accommodate 12 people and 20 crew members on the floor. The model and her friends must have had a great time when they were out on the seas. Axioma’s crew members were also impressive as they have already bonded with the owners and they are given credit for being the best. The great time she and her friends had on the yacht should make Jenner consider purchasing her very own yacht.

Alex Rodriguez’s Gulfstream IV

Alex was a former professional baseball shortstop who played for the New York Yankees. During his stint, he had 696 home runs and a batting average of 0.295. Alex also earned and accumulated a wealth of around $300 million as an athlete. Luxury travel is also up to his alley, and he has been seen on various lavish vacations, too. His financial advisor probably did not object to him buying a $3.6 million plane seeing that he would need it anyway for his regular travels.

He might consider renting or leasing it when it suits him, which should make it a good investment after all. Alex has to make sure though that the aircraft is well-maintained and given the degree of care it requires. In 2018, while he was not in it, the pilot had to make an emergency landing at Teterboro Airport because of a flap issue that was later resolved.

Mark Zuckerberg’s Facebook Jet

Technically, the company, and not Mark himself, pays for the Facebook Jet. The plane, however, costs the tech firm over $700,000 per year. On top of this, the security budget allocated to Mark was increased to $10 million a year including insurance presumably. The company’s board of directors felt that his various residences needed an upgrade on its home security systems and that the CEO required more security detail under one roof, so he needed more budget allocation for personal travel and personnel remuneration.

These stricter security protocols could be because Mark has been involved in more political issues recently and that he could be a target of unscrupulous people. We just hope that all the added security measures will keep him safe wherever he goes. That goes without saying that all his personnel and security details should be screened very well, must be experienced and possess appropriate documents such as ID’s and work resumes.

Morgan Freeman’s SyberJet SJ30

Morgan Freeman is perhaps one of the most famous actors of all-time. He has played so many roles, and a good number of them have made it to the blockbuster list. Throughout his prolific acting career, the actor accumulated over $250 million in net worth. He had always wanted to be a pilot, and he did not let age hinder him from achieving that dream. At 65 years old, the Invictus actor decided to try his hand at obtaining his pilot license.

He has since then been flying, and most of the time, he is on one of his many planes, such as the long-range SyberJet SJ30, Cessna Citation 501, and Cessna 414 twin-engine. He survived a crash in 2015, so we hope his insurance is always paid up. We also hope that he will not have the same fate in the future since it would be a tragedy to lose the Hollywood veteran.

Hilary Duff’s Hawker 800XPR

The actress behind Lizzie McGuire, which was a hit in the 2000s, is not in the limelight that much now. Hillary Duff is happily married now and with a family whose adorable pictures she would usually upload to Instagram. As a family woman, she probably does not worry much about mortgages and financial troubles. In fact, with a net worth of $25 million, the actress could afford a plane.

She does own a Hawker 800XPR, which she uses whenever traveling to distant places. The jet is estimated to be worth $16 million, and if she decides to resell it, it most likely will command a higher price given that it had been used by a celebrity. One other thing she might consider is learning how to fly a plane so that she and her family would be able to travel around the world in their own private plane without having to hire a pilot.

Ralph Lauren’s Gulfstream 650

The Gulfstream 650 is such a popular jet for many people in the business that back in 2013, there was even a three-year waiting list just to purchase one. As it appears, Ralph Lauren probably did not have to endure the ignobility of waiting considering his stature in the community and his net worth of more than $7.2 billion. As the owner of more than 300 fashion stores worldwide, Ralph needs to travel and to do so with style, given that he is a fashion magnate.

His investments in the US and abroad would not be this successful, after all, if not for his very hands-on approach to business. He has already made a name for himself in this industry and has done so many amazing things. As a testament to his success, the CFDA awarded him the first-ever Lifetime Achievement award, which is definitely deserved by the designer.

James Cameron’s Triton

How cool would it be to own a submarine? While military-grade subs are out of reach for regular people, there are custom or commercial ones that can be purchased for a specific use. James Cameron has the need to shoot underwater scenes in many instances, and so it makes sense that he made investments in several underwater vessels. The result is him being critically acclaimed for the films he shot.

Take the case of Titanic, for example. Triton submarines are now poised to be ready for underwater tourism, so James might want to consider renting out his submarines or venture into the industry to recoup some of the $3 million acquisition cost. This would be a great investment considering that it is a unique experience that many would pay for. Getting guidance from a financial advisor on how he can manage his wealth and properties better would also be a good move for the director.

Cara Delevingne’s Cessna Citation CJ2

Cara is both an actress and a model. She has been doing that for many years now, but she is better associated with modeling than with acting. Her role in Paper Towns in 2015 was remarkable. Whenever she has the need to fly to a location, perhaps to be on the catwalk or for a shoot, the model-actress would usually rent a Cessna Citation CJ2 for $12,000 each time. The small business jet fits six people and is generally enough for Cara’s needs.

In case, however, that she sees herself traveling more, Cara should seriously consider making an investment in one of these planes. With a $28 million net worth, it is not going to be much of a burden to buy. If she does decide to get one in the future, she would definitely enjoy spending time here with her family and friends. One of her major sponsors could even buy one for the renowned model.

Chris Hemsworth’s Cessna Citation Excel

Chris Hemsworth’s aircraft of choice is a Cessna Citation Excel which he bought for around $12 million. This particular Cessna is a midsize business jet that has a range of 3900 miles, which means that Chris might need to stop for gas and refuel a couple of times. The costs could eventually add up, and it may not be cost-efficient in the long run. It is ideal, though, for short-haul flights when he is in the US or Australia, but not so suitable for long flights.

With frequent flights cross-country, it would make sense for the “Home and Away” actor to buy a plane capable of non-stop flying. Such a purchase may set him back about a hundred million, which may not be a smart move right now. However, we know that he will make the correct move soon. It would not be a problem for him due to his booming career.

John Cena’s Gulfstream

A frequent subject of memes online, John Cena is no ordinary wrestler. He is definitely given credit as the most famous and perhaps the highest-paid wrestler in the world. Now that he is signed to the WWE on a part-time basis only, he has time to fly around the world and in style, too. On occasions that the wrestler goes abroad or in other parts of the US to promote a fight or be in one, he would rent out a Gulfstream, the current favorite among celebrities.

The rent is $20,000 per flight, and that cost usually covers the crew and the fuel, too. In case he has other plans and diverts the flight, then that would cost extra. There are tons of benefits, but one of them is when he is renting out a plane when going on flights, John Cena can focus on the fight and not the complications of a commercial flight.

Kurt Russell’s Socata TBM700

The name Kurt Russell might not be familiar to some. It is because most of his films were made in the 1970s and 1980s. The actor, however, was famous during his time and was even nominated for an Emmy for his performance in “Elvis” in 1979. Kurt purchased a private jet to become part of his lavish investments. He probably has plans to rent them or lease them if not in use. Kurt is also a licensed FAA pilot and is certified to fly three different plane types.

One of his many prized possessions is the Socata TBM700. This sweet baby is a single-engine aircraft, with a body made of a combination of steel and aluminum. The said aircraft is known to seat up to seven people and has all the necessary amenities. That means whenever he is flying, Kurt can bring family and friends over for an air adventure.

Oprah Winfrey’s Global Express XRS

Oprah has inspired a lot of people, especially women, to do their best and stay strong despite the many hardships in life. With her rags-to-riches story and the fact that she’s a self-made billionaire, it is no surprise she indulges in life’s luxuries. However, Oprah is a wise spender. If she needs something for her business then she will buy it. For that, we are sure that when she purchased her private plane, she totally needed it.

Oprah needs to travel frequently due to her many business engagements and hence, she purchased a Bombardier Global Express XRS jet for an estimated $42 million. This plane is no ordinary jet as this is made specifically for business purposes, complete with a dining area, a bathroom, and a rest space that is all covered in leather. She spared no expense in renovating the exterior, and for sure Oprah has the proper insurance for the air vessel. With a capacity of 10, she can even hold business meetings in the air!

Selena Gomez’s Bombardier Challenger 300

If you feel that Selena Gomez has been around forever, it is because she has! She started as a child actress at 10 years old in the TV series “Barney and Friends” as Gianna. At the young age of 28, the actress has been around and entertaining people for eighteen years. She is also one of the most-loved girls in Hollywood. Given her many commitments, she would usually need to travel hurriedly from one appointment to the next.

The actress, whenever she needs a flight out, would rent a Bombardier Challenger 300 for $250,000 per month. She would usually take her staff and do some work while on the plane. Her financial advisor might want to suggest buying her own plane though, as it would be more cost-beneficial. If she does, we know that it would be as elegant-looking as her since Selena Gomez likes to live her life just as gracefully.

Bill Gates’ Serene

If you used to be the richest man on the planet, buying a jet or a yacht should not be a big deal and should be as easy as the snap of the fingers. Bill Gates, the founder of Microsoft, has accumulated so much wealth that even if he lived to 200 years, the tech billionaire would still have money to spend. It would be hard to imagine Bill taking out a business loan for himself or tackle bankruptcy in this lifetime.

Bill likes doing things with his wife, Melinda, and one of the few luxuries they enjoy are extravagant vacations. In one of those outings, they decided to rent a superyacht that cost them $2 million a week. The yacht had a seawater pool, two helipads, a submarine garage, and a cinema. Who knows, they might consider buying this beauty in addition to their investments. They surely spent days in the ocean to enjoy!

Michael Jordan’s Gulfstream IV

Because he has fame and credit for being the greatest basketball player of all time, MJ has the right to live lavishly to a far greater degree of extravagance. His massive $2 billion bank account agrees with that and his financial advisor as well. Hence, it was an easy decision for the former NBA player to buy a Gulfstream IV that is worth $35 million which is quite a hefty price tag.

MJ even spent a considerable sum renovating and rebranding the plane to his liking and preferences. He had the exterior painted with an urban camouflage design. The paint covered all the nooks and crannies of the exterior, which the painters described as a nightmare to finish. What MJ did not think of is that it would be easy to identify his plane from afar, and fans will be waiting for him at the tarmac asking for an autograph and a selfie.

Rihanna’s Boeing 777

Rihanna has a net worth of $600 million, and with that amount in the bank, she could afford to buy a private jet, fund its maintenance and pay for insurance annually. She has chosen not to, however. The singer thought that it would be more cost-effective to rent out a Boeing 777. It is not known how much she pays for the trips whenever she goes on concerts and tours, but it must be enormous.

The revenue she earns will be more than enough to cover the expenses, though. In the future, the singer might want to consider buying a plane instead, that way it would be easier for her to travel around the world, in the comfort of a Rihanna-owned private jet at that. In addition, she could rent it out or lease it to her co-artists and her friends, making this an investment that could add up to her wealth.

Justin Bieber’s Gulfstream G4

Justin is probably one of the more controversial names in Hollywood. He is a relatively young member of the music industry, but the singer-songwriter has already accumulated a net worth of about $285 million. With this amount in the bank, and perhaps an excellent credit report, Justin could sure afford a $60 million Gulfstream G4 without batting an eyelid.

Purchasing such an expensive plane at his age can be seen as relatively immature, but considering the amount of travel he and his wife, Hailey, would be making in the future, it is arguably a good move on the young singer’s part. Flying in a private jet can lend them more of the privacy that they rarely enjoy considering that both of them are hot in the eyes of not just paparazzi but also their fans. With that kind of money on the line, and the trade-off he’ll get from the privacy he’ll get in his private plane, a lot of people would likely agree that it is worth every penny.

Steven Spielberg’s Bombardier Global Express XRS

Perhaps the biggest name in the film world is none other than Steven Spielberg. He directed blockbusters like Minority Report and War of the Worlds. Given that he shoots in multiple locations and countries, he needs to always travel at a moment’s notice which will be made possible with the speed of a jet. This is perhaps one motivation why he made investments in a Bombardier Global Express XRS, which is estimated to be at $42 million.

Compared to his $3.7 billion net worth, that purchase was a drop in the bucket since he did not need money loans to make the purchase happen. For the convenience this jet offers, this acquisition was worth it as the plane has a range of over 11,000 kilometers and a top speed of 950 kph, making sure he can reach his destination on time and with little to no fuel stops.

Simon Cowell’s Slipstream

Simon often gives out harsh comments to talents, and he probably stressed over many of the contestants for not meeting his standards. When he feels like he is over the top and about to explode, the talent show judge would usually rent the yacht “Slipstream.” The vessel has a steel hull, can accommodate a crew of 15, and has a cruising speed of 15 knots. Renting it out for $350,000 per week does not seem to be a good idea if one travels often.

Simon has a net worth of around $600 million, so buying one should be easy and a good investment as well. Perhaps his financial advisor is against it, or he was thinking of the possible impact on the environment if he owns one. We hope that his financial advisor might change his stand and convince Simon to purchase a yacht for himself to save him the hassle of renting.

You’ve Reached The End
