Impressive and Outrageously Expensive Private Yachts and Jets Owned by Your Favorite Celebrity

Suppose you are a wealthy celebrity who can get a six to seven-figure paycheck just by doing a few minutes of advertisements or a multi-million-dollar contract to star in a movie or TV series. Chances are you will also splurge on material possessions. Many have chosen to acquire highly expensive cars and houses. There are those, however, who prefer the more adventurous feel of the air and the sea and have therefore made investments in private jets and yachts with prices high enough to make your jaw drop in amazement. Since they have the money, it is certainly alright for them to buy jets and yachts. They are, after all, living their dream. As fans of these celebrities, we also share in their dream by getting to know more about the rides that they’ve chosen for themselves. You will discover that not only do these actors and actresses travel in style, they also travel in class, and are willing to spend on flight amenities, too! Discover which among them have the classiest and most lavish jets and yachts!

Bono’s Kingdom Come

If you are the lead singer of a famous band, you might want to own a yacht that could take you anywhere you want. Such was the case of Bono, who bought a ship estimated to be worth $22 million. The lead vocalist made huge investments in this boat and named it “Kingdom Come”. There are no doubts that when he purchased the 1997-made superyacht, Bono only has one thing in mind, and that is to look glamorous, expensive, and luxurious.

For someone with a net worth of around $700 million, the price can be considered chump change. After all, Bono doesn’t even need to worry about taking out personal loans. He had the yacht remodeled, repainted, and rebranded to suit his lifestyle and status as a wealthy celebrity. The yacht now resembles a luxury hotel that features not just a master suite, but also a hot-tub and gold-plated furniture!
