Admit it, gaining and losing weight is an issue that has plagued every single one of us for who knows how long. It’s a struggle that can bring on brutal effects on our physical and mental health. And nobody knows the struggle of keeping your weight in check better than celebrities. When you’re living and working in an industry that puts so much investment in physical appearance, weight issues can take on a whole new meaning. Fortunately, more and more celebrities and influential figures are becoming aware of the impact weight expectations can have on every single person. Thus the notion of body positivity was born. However, it may still take some time for everyone to fully embrace the idea of being okay with gaining and losing weight without imposing unrealistic expectations on themselves or others. But we’re glad that more and more celebrities are stepping up to the plate and embracing their natural body! If you’re interested to know these celebrities are and how they are rocking some few extra pounds, then keep on reading.


Kelly Clarkson has, without a doubt, one of the most powerful voices in the music industry. And she has proven that time and time again since she won American Idol back in 2002. However, with each project and fame that came her way, Kelly’s life became more scrutinized by both the media and even the fans. This took a toll on the singer’s health during the years that she remained in the mainstream scene. Kelly said that even when she was at the height of her career and had a slimmer figure than she does now, she never felt truly happy.

For Kelly, weight loss has always been a sign that she is not doing well mentally and emotionally. So, the singer made it a point to raise awareness on the topic of body positivity since not everyone who loses weight or skinny is happy with how they look or with their lives in general. Today, Kelly Clarkson is doing better than ever and that she has achieved a higher degree of happiness in her life and career. Prioritizing and staying true to oneself truly does wonders!


If there’s one celebrity who knows the struggle of gaining weight, it would have to be former Disney star, Demi Lovato. During her teenage years, Demi has kept her battle with her weight a secret from fans and the media. The then young actress struggled to cope with the immense pressure of being a young role-model and therefore engaged in unhealthy eating habits. This, in return, resulted in her losing so much weight. But the actress recently gave an honest statement saying that her thin frame only gave her surface-level satisfaction and therefore made her emotionally unhappy.

Fortunately, Demi came to the realization that she should take better care of her body and make healthier investments. Since starting her journey to recovery, Demi has made tremendous progress and has even started using her platform to encourage young kids to not buy into Hollywood’s harsh beauty standards. We don’t know about you, but we’re glad to see Demi living her best life now that she is healthy. After all, our real wealth at the end of the day is our health.


Nothing screams “perfect figure” as loud as supermodels. Hence, when you’re a multi-million dollar model like Tyra Banks, the pressure to keep a perfect body can be immense. And for years, Tyra has been successful with keeping that image of herself. But with age comes bodily changes, and Tyra Banks learned the hard way. Back in 2007, Tyra was snapped wearing a one-piece bikini while she was on holiday. After the not-so-flattering image of her surfaced on magazines, tabloids, and newspapers, Tyra earned a certain degree of backlash.

But the feisty model certainly did not waste any time and immediately clapped back on all the haters. Instead of staying silent and mopping around, the former model and talk show host took back control by telling her haters to “kiss her fat a**” on television. The bottom line is, Tyra can slay whether she is a size two or a size six. The woman is beautiful, and that is the end of the story.


It’s no secret that a woman’s body undergoes so many changes when she carries and brings a child into the world. It may not necessarily be a struggle, but it definitely requires a lot of adjustment. Jessica Simpson became all too familiar with this reality when she gave birth to her daughter Maxwell Drew back in 2012. The actress gained an estimated 40-60 pounds following Maxwell’s birth. But instead of dwelling over the fact that she gained so much weight, Jessica made the initiative of encouraging mothers to embrace their postpartum bodies.

The actress/entrepreneur decided then to put her investment money in creating items suited for women who gained a few extra pounds after giving birth. Jessica earned praise for her efforts and has since become an advocate for body positivity, especially among mothers. Embracing one’s own body shape no matter the form is becoming the new trend, and we’re all in for it. After all, it’s 2021!


It’s a well-known fact that models are expected to maintain a lighter weight to a certain degree to stay relevant or, at the very least, employed in the fashion industry. And former Victoria’s Secret Angel Bridget Malcolm knows this all too well. The Australian model has recently opened up about her struggle to keep her weight in check while working in the cut-throat environment of modeling. At some point in her career, Bridget had the bad luck of losing a prestigious modeling contract simply because she gained a few extra pounds.

Fortunately for Bridget, she refused to let the pressure get to her. The model said that after being “at war” with her body for years, Bridget does not regret living a healthier lifestyle and gaining weight along the way. Why should she regret it anyway? She looks stunning with a bit more weight. I don’t know about any of you, but we’re definitely proud of her! Embracing the healthier and happier you? You go, girl!


For years, we’ve seen how beautiful Angelina Jolie is. From her unique but enviable facial features to her perfect figure, she was able to easily land different roles at the height of her career. However, back in 2013, Angelina Jolie underwent preventive surgical procedures to help her lessen her chances of getting breast and ovarian complications. However, what may have seemed a health crisis solution only led to another health struggle for Angie. Following her double mastectomy and oophorectomy, the media started noticing Angie’s rapid weight loss.

This, of course, caused some concerns from both her close friends in the industry, her fans, and her former partner Brad Pitt. Fortunately, with the help and support of loved ones, Angie was able to pull through from that ordeal. Today, Angelina looks happier, and although she is still a few pounds away from her ideal post-surgery weight, we’re glad to see her become healthier with each day that passes by. This goes to show that the best investments are the ones we make for our health and well-being.


When Christina Aguilera released her song Genie in a Bottle back in 1999, she had little to no idea that it would take the world by storm. Due to the massive success that Christina accomplished over the next few months and years that followed her hit, she was pressured into maintaining a certain weight to keep her image in Hollywood sparkling. However, due to her young age and still growing body, Christina eventually put on some extra weight, which did not sit well with people managing her career.

But instead of giving in to the pressure, Christina refused to let derogatory comments about her weight take control of her life and, most especially, her health. Instead, she embraced her curves and made investments that benefited her health and well-being. Today, Christina is a passionate supporter of body positivity and encourages men and women to be more mindful of the harsh expectations subjected to their bodies. What can we say? She is definitely a queen in her own right.


Even with an incredible talent, we can’t deny the fact that looks also create an impact for Hollywood stars. Former American Idol contestant Jennifer Hudson has had quite the experience with her body image over the years. When the singer first made her American Idol appearance in 2004, fans of the show were quick to notice her big frame. Although it did not stop Jennifer from giving her best and impressing everyone with her soaring vocals, it did earn her a certain degree of unwanted attention.

When she was eventually booted off the talent show, Jennifer went on to do bigger projects, which subjected her to an even bigger pressure to shed some pounds. The singer eventually gave in and started to shed a few extra pounds. However, her new and thinner image still raised some concerns saying that she looked unhealthy. Today, Jennifer has gained some of her weight back, and we’re glad to see her happy and thriving.


Keira Knightley has always had the ideal Hollywood figure— tall, beautiful, and skinny. However, this did not exempt her from being subjected to harsh comments about her physical appearance. Many have thrown comments saying that she should eat more and put on some weight despite Keira giving fans the insurance that she is living a healthy lifestyle, not doing any sort of harsh diet whatsoever.

The actress even went on to explain that her weight fluctuation is completely random and that the mere idea of going on a diet makes her want to eat even more. It’s important to note that this kind of situation is perfectly normal. Not even celebrities are exempted from the natural biological phenomenon of gaining and losing weight in various stages of our lives. Today, Keira is a few pounds heavier but still looks beautiful. Haters gonna hate, but no revenge is sweeter than happiness!


American socialite and multi-million dollar heiress Paris Hilton has always been the poster child for the classic “skinny and rich” image in Hollywood. Since she became a staple figure in the American social scene, Paris has earned so many trendsetting credits, courtesy of her eccentric taste in fashion. However, Paris has revealed that being a size zero does not always entail a positive perception of your own body. She admitted that she too struggled with her weight even when she was what people would call, the ideal body type.

Luckily for Paris, she became more comfortable with the idea that gaining weight does not mean she has let herself go, as the heiress now appears to be a few pounds sexier and a few pounds happier. We can even all agree that whether Paris is a size zero or not, she still knows how to slay every fashion trend out there. She’s still definitely the total package we all wish to be.


About ten years ago, John Travolta became a hot topic, not for his acting achievements, but for his unexpected weight gain. The reason for John’s weight gain was reportedly due to personal reasons in his family, but like any human being on this planet, John’s ordeal was completely normal. He just had the misfortune of being a Hollywood A-lister with so much pressure being imposed on his physical appearance.

Fortunately for John, he allowed himself to go through the process naturally until he was ready to start his weight loss transformation. Honestly, John did not look anywhere bad when he was sporting a more plus-sized figure, but we’re glad that he is making healthier investments that will make him more confident in his own skin. At the end of the day, there is no better glow up than that which comes from within, for it is this kind of transformation that easily radiates and makes one shine!


Being exposed to an environment like Hollywood at a young age can sometimes be so dangerous, especially when it comes to beauty standards. Hilary Duff started earning acting credits at a young age, and therefore, grew up under the spotlight. This means that from a young age, Hilary became familiar with the struggle of having unrealistic beauty standards imposed upon her. Back in 2014, the Lizzie McGuire actress opened up about her experience with her body image, saying that she thinks “spent way too much time” thinking about achieving the perfect body when she was younger.

The actress said that she struggled with trying to hide her naturally athletic build since it was not what Hollywood would consider “ideal” at that time. Today, Hilary has come to terms with how her natural body looks. She also encourages both men and women to do the same. Clearly, embracing your natural body is not a linear journey, and there will be days where you would hit a rough patch. But as Hilary would have it, be thankful for what your body has done for you all your life. Take good care of it and don’t subject it to harsh standards that other people impose on you.


For most of us, it can be quite challenging to look slim in every angle to avoid getting criticized. When you’re as big of a star as Mariah Carey, putting body shamers in their place should be pretty easy, right? Well, as it turns out, even the “Queen of Christmas” is not immune to harsh comments about her body weight. The All I Want for Christmas Is You singer was doing a show in Las Vegas when she was snapped at a less-flattering angle that led to unwanted attention courtesy of the media and even the singer’s fans.

Although the singer initially felt the need to alter her image back to how it was before her weight gain, Mariah has now progressed to a point in her life where she couldn’t be bothered about people’s opinions about her body. The living legend and mother of two continues to make waves in the industry, all while embracing the body and skin that she is in! We are in full support of this superstar for as long as she invests her time and attention in healthy and positive investments.


For those of you who don’t know who Theodora Richards is, she is the model daughter of Rolling Stone’s Keith Richards. She started her modeling career at the age of 16 when she and her younger sister Alexandra were asked to model for the well-known brand, Tommy Hilfiger. Since then, Theodora earned more and more modeling credits. However, working long hours may have been too challenging for Theodora as the model started to lose a concerning amount of weight.

The media were quick to notice the drastic change with the model’s body, and not long after, Theodora was the topic of a lot of tabloids and magazines. Luckily, Theodora sought out much-needed help from experts, and with the support of those closest to her, Theodora is now back to her old and healthy self and can now be seen strutting the red carpet with her brand new look, and we have to say, the few extra pounds did wonder for this gorgeous blonde. Healthier equals happier, after all!


Jenna Jameson is an American adult film star who rose to fame back in the 1990s. Throughout her career, she was known for her slim figure, which helped her earn several performance credits in the industry. However, as Jenna approached her 40s, she noticeably began to gain a few pounds. It is, of course, normal for a human being to put on more weight as he or she ages, but that did not stop critics from hurling unwanted comments her way. Fed up with the things said about her weight gain, Jenna took to Instagram to address the haters once and for all.

In her Instagram post, the performer expressed that her gaining weight was a choice she made due to personal reasons. Jenna also hit back on her critics, saying: “Attacking someone over their weight is really petty, I pride myself in being a well rounded human being…thick or thin.” We’re glad she’s standing up to her haters, and we do agree that no one should be body-shamed for their natural figures! More importantly, we can all agree that nobody should be judged based solely on what they see and not on what they know.


Not a lot of people acknowledge this, but men are also subjected to a lot of criticism when it comes to weight. Just like female celebrities, some male celebs are also either too fat or too skinny. Justin Bieber, in particular, learned this the hard way. The Canadian superstar broke into the Hollywood industry at the tender age of 16. After becoming an overnight success in 2010, criticism came hurling towards Justin almost instantly. A lot of those comments involved opinions about his music, his singing, and yes, even his still growing teenage body.

However, as years went by, Justin started to transition into a more mature image, and so did his body. Fortunately for him, his career grew exponentially over the years, and that gave him all the insurance he needed to reinvent himself. Today, Justin is known to be one of the well-built male celebs and has even snagged an endorsement with Calvin Klein. All these years of hard work and transformation truly kept his fans captivated by his beauty as well as loyal to him and his work.


Another star on this list who’s known for her thin frame is Twin Peaks actress Lara Flynn Boyle. After gaining much-needed attention from her time with the show, she went out to star in several other critically acclaimed TV shows and films, including Red Rock’s West, Wayne’s World, Cafe Society, and Happiness. Lara is also a Primetime Emmy Award nominee thanks to her performance in the ABC drama, The Practice.

As Lara progressed to more and more acting and production credits, her once thin-framed image soon started to disappear. Today, she is a successful actress and producer who happens to be a few pounds sexier. Regardless of whether she is thin or not, she is still one of the most stunning actresses in Tinseltown. This lady is proof that you don’t need a perfect body to slay and remain as stunning as ever! In fact, we’re glad to see that she’s not afraid of showing her natural figure!


When pictures of the younger Ali Lohan sporting a thin figure emerged back in 2013, the media didn’t waste any time in pointing it out. A lot of things were said about Lindsay Lohan’s younger sister, and a lot of them were definitely not nice. Many people speculated that her rapid weight loss was due to her desire to further her career as a model. However, instead of clapping back on the critics, she and her family kept their silence and quietly worked on getting Ali back to her former weight.

After some time, she shocked the world when she started appearing in public, this time looking a lot happier and a few pounds healthier. Ali now continues to work on her career and has gained a certain amount of modeling credits since debuting her weight gain. She still has a long way to go, but it’s nice to see her working just as hard on maintaining her health as well as furthering her career. From her example, we can all agree that achieving wellness creates such a difference.


A lot of us grew up knowing Oprah Winfrey. The woman has been around Hollywood in what seems to be forever that a lot of us have witnessed a lot of her victories and losses. Through the years, Oprah has also been very vocal about her struggle with her weight, and it’s something a lot of us have seen unfold. At some point, she weighed around 200 pounds. At that time, her struggle with her body image resulted in her going under the knife. But as years went by, Oprah started making healthier investments and started embracing her own body more and more.

Today, Oprah is happy and confident in the skin that she is in and is even encouraging women to feel the same. It’s good to see influential people like Oprah advocating a more positive body mindset instead of reinforcing the industry’s damaging beauty standards on both men and women. With the power this woman holds, we’re certain that she has inspired many regarding this issue through her words of wisdom and confidence.


We’ve said it before, and we’re going to say it again: losing weight and gaining it back again is part of the natural cycle of a human’s life. This was the case with Kiera Knightley, and it also seems to be the case with actress Denise Richards. Back in 2013, the mother of three was snapped multiple times sporting a very thin and muscular frame. Although Denise gave fans the insurance that her weight loss was not due to any diet restrictions or unhealthy eating habits, people still had a lot to say about the actress’s body at that time.

Denise even went on to say that her size zero figure back then was simply due to her very busy schedule as an actress and a mother to her three children. Today, however, Denise is looking a lot healthier and glowing with a few extra pounds added to her slim body. Let’s take it from this lady when we say that paying attention to oneself can create the most positive changes in our overall wellness!


Beverly Hills and 90210 star Tori Spelling has always been known for her skinny figure, but we must admit that the mother of five looks a lot better with a curvier figure. Fans who were so used to Tori’s former size zero figure were initially shocked by her transformation but later came around and thought the actress looks a lot healthier with a fuller frame. To be honest, we believe Tori looks a lot better this time too.

She was already stunning even before she started gaining weight, but the added pounds on her figure really did wonders for the actress. Not everyone can look better with some weight on, so she is one of the lucky ones. Looking healthy, lively, and fresh in her curvier frame, Tori sure is blooming! We’re sure she’s making wiser health investments nowadays, and we sure do hope she shares those secrets with us. We’d like to look that good too!


American actress Amber Rose had always been curvy, but right before her breakup with rapper Kanye West, Amber sported a leaner figure to go along with her curves. However, post-breakup Amber looks a lot more fuller, and we love the transformation. The actress put on some even more weight when she became pregnant with her baby with the rapper Wiz Khalifa. However, Amber said in an interview with E! that she wanted to lose the baby weight. So, the star stuck to a strict workout regime.

And credits to that workout plan Amber adopted because she looks stunning and healthy now that she is a mother of two. Since then, the actress has been maintaining her figure, and we must say that she is quite the inspiration to all moms struggling with their post-baby weight. We all know how hard the struggle can be, so seeing that she can do it makes us motivated to put in the work needed as well.


When actress Jennifer Love Hewitt debuted her post-baby figure in a bikini, tabloids and several media outlets were quick to weigh in on her new look. Some not-so-appropriate things were said, but Jennifer is not one to take the comments lying down. Much like haters, the actress was also quick to address the nasty things being said about her in a somewhat classy fashion. The actress took her response to social media and said: “To all girls with butts, boobs, hips and a waist, put on a bikini, put it on, and stay strong.”

What a way to shut down the haters! To be honest, we give Jennifer credit for taking the higher road without being silent about the body-shaming culture that has perpetuated in Hollywood for such a long time. She has gone beyond the conventional meaning of beauty and has become the voice of all the normal bodies in the world.


Robert De Niro may look healthy and slim today, but there was a point in his career where the actor was allegedly sent to Italy to eat as much pasta as he can so he can pack more pounds for his role in the movie Raging Bull. Robert’s weight gain remains to be one of the most famous celebrity transformations for a part to date. At that time, the actor gained a total of 60 pounds, which he immediately shed after completing his shoot.

It surely takes a lot of passion and determination to take on a transformation like this, but it just goes to show how incredibly committed Robert is to his craft. Not a lot of actors would be willing to go through such lengths for a role, but Robert proved that he wasn’t just an ordinary performer. No wonder he has so many highly acclaimed acting credits to his name. The man is a legend!


Music icon Janet Jackson has always had the image of being sexy and fierce. So fans were somewhat shocked when she emerged with a few extra pounds on her after she gave birth to her son Eissa. It’s, of course, perfectly normal for a new mom to pack on some weight after giving birth, but that certainly did not hinder critics from weighing in on Janet’s new look.

Fortunately, the singer simply handled the situation like a champ and simply went on fulfilling the life of motherhood with a certain degree of grace and class. Eventually, though, the singer started going into a workout and diet plan to help her shed those extra pounds away. Other than looking stunning, she needed to make sure her health was in check so she can take care of her son well. But we can all agree that Janet’s body, whether thick or thin, is beyond perfect.


American country singer LeAnn Rimes has always been the darling of American country music. For years, she has been adored by fans for her all-American charm and her singing prowess. However, at some point in her career, LeAnn started to lose a lot of weight. Although Lean admitted to not thinking much about the issue during that time, her fans and the press, on the other hand, were quite concerned about her appearance. She still looked gorgeous, but Leann also admitted that she felt like she was a little too thin at that particular point in her life.

Today, however, LeAnn had made healthier investments and had gained back the few pounds that she lost over the years. The singer said that she’s glad that she was able to come back healthier and happier from that certain period of her life. Tough times can always have an effect on our weight because of the stress and the changes in our lifestyle. It’s a good thing that LeAnn bounced back in time and that she knew she had to think about her health.


Just like Paris Hilton, Nicole Richie was also once known for being the epitome of what a young Hollywood celebrity should be like— rich and skinny. However, Nicole’s extra thin frame from the early 2000s caused a lot of concerns from friends and fans alike and was even covered by the media in every angle possible. In recent years, Nicole revealed that her thin frame was not a result of a rigorous diet but rather an effect of her deteriorating health. During that time, the actress was going through a lot of life-changing events.

The amount of pressure and attention she was getting from the media did not do her any favor. She opened up that she would often lose her appetite, and that ultimately led to her rapid weight loss. After realizing that she needed to take back control of her health, Nicole made it a priority to make health-related investments and enlist the help of experts. Today, Nicole is a happy and healthy mother of two, with a booming business to boot. She still looks beautiful, of course!


Some people may not know this, but some things in Hollywood cannot be faked. Often times, when actors are cast to play a real-life character, showrunners and producers require them to put in an effort to look like the character they are playing. Take Jared Leto, for example. The actor was required to gain a whopping 67 pounds to play the famous artist Andy Warhol in the film titled Biopic. However, after wrapping up the shoot, Jared quickly headed to the gym to shed the weight that he gained for the role.

Although the weight transformation earned him more acting credits, the singer/actor still expressed that he would never want to do such a thing again [gain weight]. The actor recalled that after gaining weight, his cholesterol levels went so high that he needed to see a doctor for it. Some actors really go to a great extent when it comes to their career, but they should really think about their health and what they could be compromising, too. We can still agree, however, that whether Jared sports a thinner or larger frame, he is still quite the charmer.


We have all come to know American rapper, Nicki Minaj, as a celebrity representation of plus-sized curvy women in Hollywood. However, Nicki wasn’t always the voluptuous woman we all know her to be. When she was just a teenager, the rapper also sported a thin frame with hardly any curves. It is, however, quite normal for her to look unrecognizable. She was, after all, just a teenager in the photo. Luckily for Nicki, she was able to grow into a much curvier body, which heavily contributed to the rise of her musical career.

Speculations have been circulating over Nicki’s body over the years, but to be honest, it doesn’t matter if the singer had some procedures done or not. At the end of the day, a woman should be able to feel happy and confident with whatever body she has, and that is exactly the kind of energy Nicki is exuding. She flaunts her style and her beautiful body because she knows she’s got it. Remember, ladies: an investment made for your own health and well-being is always worth it.

Nicole Kidman

Being an award-winning actress, Nicole Kidman makes sure to watch her weight. She has an entire diet plan and is diligent with her workouts in order to stay lean and very much in shape. She had to play a role where she needed to gain weight instead of using prosthetics. She quickly got back into shape after gaining all that weight. Nicole Kidman served as a role model to everyone who wants to keep up with a not so skinny but fit body.

With the success she has and her dedication towards maintaining her shape, it has truly become a worthy investment for her. It’s admirable that she was able to put on the weight needed for her role, but it was even more admirable that she was able to get rid of it quite quickly. Because she is very particular about her health and her weight, she knew she just had to work on it.

Amber Rose

Before gaining some weight, Amber Rose is still on the skinny side, even with all her existing curves. This was how her body looked when she and Kanye West were dating. She was probably doing the Kanye ‘New Workout Plan’, I mean she did pull a rapper. Her body during the relationship was very alarming to some, especially with how thin she was. After the end of their relationship, Amber Rose gained some weight.

She surely looks happier, healthier, and sexier with a well-shaped butt. But she probably isn’t one of those celebrities who have insurance plans for their butts, though. Either way, she is looking better and healthier today. Fortunately, she came to her senses and took her fit body back. She looks like she has been sleeping well and eating healthy, too. If we all know how to take care of our bodies well, we would also have the weight of our dreams.

Lindsay Lohan

Being in Hollywood since she was a kid, it isn’t a shock that Lindsay Lohan would bag a lot of projects. Growing up in the industry and being influenced by the pressure to be skinny, Lindsay Lohan definitely kept up with the skinny Hollywood actress image. Not to mention how busy she must have been with all her movies, she probably didn’t have the time to eat much or check on her weight.

When she gained some weight, she said it was because she was finally able to take care of herself. She looks great even after the weight she gained. After all the times she needed an attorney and looked stressed, we’re glad she now looks better. It’s also great that she was able to see the importance of self-care. She acknowledged that she was in a somewhat unhealthy situation back then. We’re glad that now, she looks better and healthier.

Natalie Portman

Being an actress who has been in the industry for quite some time and has garnered a number of nominations and awards, it is expected for Natalie Portman to take her roles seriously. In the movie Black Swan where she plays a committed ballerina. Natalie Portman evidently lost some weight in order to portray her character perfectly. She was praised for the weight she lost, but she still chose to gain it all back.

With the weight she gained back, she also probably earned a lot, in terms of finances and credit score, as the movie was a big hit. In our opinion, it’s a good thing that she gained back her weight because now she looks blooming and youthful compared to the very skinny ballerina that she portrayed in the movie. Now healthy but still stunning, Natalie continues to wow the world with her impressive talent and dedication to her craft.

Jamie King

Actress and model Jamie King is actively criticized for being too thin. You would always find comments about her weight on her posts on social media. According to King, this is because she suffers from a condition called endometriosis. This condition basically affects the hormonal balance of the body and a lot of credit should be given to King for how well she handles this. King even said that she once gained a lot of weight and was criticized for it.

Her condition is often misunderstood by most, but we have to admit she does look better with some weight on. Either way, Jamie’s real priority must really be her health. Since she has a condition, it is imperative that she knows how to handle her body, including her weight. Although this might be a challenge because she is a public figure, she has to make sure she is not endangering herself when she goes on a diet or does an exercise routine.

Demi Moore

After her debut in 1981, the spotlight is yet to lose its focus on actress Demi Moore. She is one of Hollywood’s most successful personalities. The beautiful actress began to catch the eyes of the public when she started losing too much weight. After allegations of her now ex-husband Ashton Kutcher cheating on her spread, the public noticed how her weight seemed to plummet. Moore, under pressure, felt the need to stay young and skinny to the degree of starving herself.

After this incident, she did her best to recover and has since been taking good care of herself. She might have been very stressed about what had happened to her marriage back then, but it’s a good thing that she got through it and has begun to think about herself again. This time, she looks absolutely stunning because she made it a point to make herself happy.

Mila Kunis

Mila Kunis is an American actress from Ukraine. She moved to the United States when she was 7 years old and then made her debut at age 14 on the TV series That 70’s Show. Since then, Mila has been a part of some significant Hollywood movies and TV series. Being a foodie, she didn’t mind putting on some weight, but for her role in Black Swan, she had to lose 20 pounds.

The actress shared that when she worked on her weight loss, she felt like she was capable of doing everything to a degree. Mila believes that we should all have a positive outlook and not reject people based purely on opinion. As someone with a strong personality, she is one determined person who can probably gain or lose weight however she pleases. She is obviously very confident in her own skin and eats as she pleases at the same time.

Carey Mulligan

English actress Carey Mulligan has received multiple awards and nominations during her career. Her parents weren’t happy about her choice of career, and Julian Fellowes dissuaded her as well, telling her to marry a lawyer instead. However, Carey is a recipient of numerous praises, but unfortunately, is also a victim of unavoidable criticism. She was very thin at the beginning of one of her projects because she was avoiding eating a lot due to pressure.

She was trying to lose some weight for Suffragette but ended up gaining 3 kilograms. The stress must have really gotten to her so her body responded differently. It really is important to have the right mindset when you go on a diet or a fitness journey. Nonetheless, with or without the weight, her performance was not affected. She did a stunning job on the role and she proved to the world that no matter what, her talent was undeniable. Confidently beautiful, Carey has been impressing and entertaining the public since then.

Selena Gomez

Selena Gomez started as a child actress and made it big on Disney. Teens around the world followed her relationships and activities. Gomez is known to have dated stars like Nick Jonas and Justin Bieber, to name a few. In 2011, she also made headlines for her investments in a postcard start-up company named Postcard on the Run. The child actress has been the talk of gossip sites for a while. She later revealed that she was sick, and then her situation worsened.

After trying to recover from a transplant and other issues, photos of her looking fuller surfaced. The medication and the surgery must have contributed to this development. It’s still okay, though because she still has a beautiful face, and it was more important that she prioritized her health. The actress responded to the backlash, saying that the public should stop obsessing over being perfect and start taking care of their bodies.

Alexa Chung

Many people look up to Alexa Chung, who is a fashion designer, model, and British writer. Known for her bubbly personality and funny antics, Chung was often shamed for her weight. The model admits that her weight is something she isn’t proud of and does not advocate it. She admits she sometimes wishes to gain at least 10 pounds. Karl Lagerfeld once made a controversial statement about women in the modeling industry being overweight to a certain degree.

Chung shut his statement down by saying women shouldn’t be shamed for how they are and that this culture of hatred needs to stop. The model believes that no one has the right to judge people they don’t personally know. Chung is very vocal about her stand on feminism. Because she doesn’t only make headlines in fashion but also when it comes to women’s rights, where she continues to gain fans. What a total fashion icon!

Mischa Barton

Mischa Barton has been in the entertainment industry since 1996. She has been labeled by Entertainment Weekly as the ‘It Girl’ of 2003. She has also been listed in multiple magazines for being one of the hottest and sexiest women in the world. Her career in acting has been very successful throughout the years. Her success allowed her to own apartments in New York and London without needing home loans, at the age of nineteen.

In her career’s duration, the actress was caught looking frail and unhealthy multiple times, and at the same time, has made headlines for looking a bit bloated. No matter what you do, there will always be supporters and haters anyway. As a Hollywood A-list celebrity, she is no stranger to all the unsolicited feedback. Barton claims to be happy and confident with the body she has and the public is with her on that. We only want the best for her, and she needs to be not only beautiful but also very healthy!

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