Pure “Ragrets”: Tattoos That Should Have Never Seen The Light of Day

“Carpe Diem!” is what we tell ourselves moments before we make impulsive decisions. While it’s an admirable trait or mindset to have, there are still a few things that are not supposed to be carpe diem-ed. One prime example of this is getting a tattoo. Although it’s very satisfying to have a permanent piece of art inked on your skin, you still have to consider the fact that the said piece of art will forever live on your body. So, considering its significance and permanence, you would think that people would take their time in deciding whether or not a tattoo is worth the investment. But time and time again, we’ve seen tattoo horror-stories proving that some people are simply not capable of making responsible decisions. And through the years, thanks to the impulsive nature of some people, we have seen some of the most outrageous and downright ridiculous tattoos guaranteed to give you chills. From misspelled names to weird fan arts, we’re counting down some of the craziest tattoo blunders to have graced the internet. So stick around, ’cause we have some good treat coming your way.


If you’re someone who loves to put on makeup, then you would know that putting on layers of cosmetics can take forever. And because of this particular dilemma, so many of our fellow makeup enthusiasts have turned to unconventional methods in the effort to cut down the time it takes to look extra polished in the morning. However, these unconventional methods are not exactly helpful. Just take a look at this lady who decided to go the extra mile and have her eyebrows permanently inked onto her skin. It’s bad enough that she will have those on her skin for the rest of her life, but the way the artist drew on her eyebrows just makes us want to cry. Now, we’re not sure if it’s the exact look she was going for, but if it isn’t, then it was a complete waste of her investment money.


Getting a client’s request wrong is probably one of the biggest fears a tattoo artist has. As the one wielding the needle, tattoo artists play a big role in determining how your tattoo turns out. One wrong flick of the wrist or one wrong stroke of color could mean the difference between a flawless tattoo and an outrageous one. So as you can probably tell, committing a typographical error on someone’s skin is a tattoo artist’s worst nightmare. And unfortunately for this tattoo artist, his worst nightmare came to life when he misspelled his client’s tattoo. Talk about having a bad day at work! We don’t know if it was because he was nervous, or if it was his first day on the job, or if he simply missed seeing one letter, but instead of writing “Live Without Regrets,” he ended up inking his client with the phrase “Live Without Regets.” His client probably did not want to feel like it, but we bet he ended up regretting swiping his credit card for that tattoo.


Let’s face it; we’ve all done impulsive and borderline reckless activities when we’ve had a little too much to drink. Some of us may have ‘accidentally’ dialed our ex’s number or danced in the middle of the street, or maybe even blew all our money on something useless. Whatever it may be, the bottom line is that we’ve all been in that position. Too bad for some people, their drunk stories are a little bit more non-reversible. Unfortunately, this was the case for this gentleman who, after drinking all night, ended up on a tattoo artist’s table. We sure hope he got some good night’s sleep that night, ’cause he’s going to need all the energy he can get when he sees the tattoo he randomly got with his credit card money.


There is probably no greater mistake than having someone’s name tattooed on your skin only for you to go your separate ways. Not only are you left with a broken heart, but you are also stuck with your ex’s name forever. Fortunately, scientists and medical experts have now invented some methods to have those awkward tattoos removed. But back in the day, anyone who mistakenly inked themselves with the names of people they thought were going to be in their lives forever was left with their own imagination. Back then, they had to think outside of the box and come up with something creative to cover up their mistake. This man, however, was more than just creative with his solution. He also incorporated some degree of humor, and weirdly enough, it’s kind of working.


Let’s face it, getting Hollywood celebrities to notice us ordinary people is nearly impossible. So it’s not surprising that some fans are turning to extreme measures to capture their idol’s attention. However, one lady took fangirling to an entirely different level when she decided to have Drake’s name tattooed across her forehead. For those of you who don’t know, Drake is a Canadian rap artist and producer who is known for songs like Hotline Bling, God’s Plan, and One Dance. A lot of us would probably frown at the idea of having someone’s name inked on our face, but the lady who had Drake’s name tattooed on her face seems pretty happy with her investment. And to be honest, that’s the only thing that matters. If she’s cool with it, then let her be.


Restaurant receipts may seem minute and unimportant to some of us, but believe it or not, there’s one man who deemed one McDonald’s receipt important enough to have it tattooed on his arm. It’s a pretty weird tattoo to have, but there might be some story behind it. Maybe, it reminded him of an important day. Or maybe it was a particularly good meal that he wanted to remember it for the rest of his life. Or perhaps he’s just passionate about McDonald’s that he wanted to have a reminder on his body. Whatever his reasons were, we applaud him for his dedication. It’s honestly not something we would do, but we’re glad that he’s happy with his art investment.


They say we should all shoot for the stars, but if you’re too drunk to aim at the horizon, then the next best thing would be to tattoo the stars on your face. Okay, maybe it’s not the best option, but that’s what Kimberley Vlaminck did after having too much to drink one fateful night in Belgium. According to Kimberley, she and her friends headed to a tattoo parlor after a night out and decided to have a few tattoos inked on their bodies. She initially claimed that she only requested three tattoos and that the artists continued to add more after she dozed off on his table. However, she later clarified that it was, in fact, her who requested to have her face covered with cosmic symbols. Today, her face is back to normal after going through a series of laser therapy. Good thing she took credit for the mistake ’cause it would’ve caused the artist’s entire career if she didn’t.


Tattoo blunders are usually cringe-inducing, but we’ll make an exemption for this one. Although it’s not something that most of us would want to have permanently engraved in our bodies, we have to give it up for this man for incorporating humor into his tats. If you don’t get what the joke is, he basically tattooed an aerial image of a pack of beer in the area where a normal six-pack ab would be. Imagine if he actually got into shape after getting that tattoo. Wouldn’t that be interesting to see? We can only hope that he used his credit card to avail of a gym membership or something. Maybe, one of these days, he’ll turn up on our feeds again, all buffed and chiseled.


People who are fond of getting tattoos can get pretty creative with their pieces, don’t they? Most of the time, it’s fun to see what images they come up with. But, on the other hand, some simply slap on random images onto their bodies and call it a day. That seems to be the case with our next nightmare tattoo. You can really see that there are a lot of things going on in his tattoo, and frankly, none of it makes sense. There’s some degree of artistry in there, for sure, but drawing meat against an image of a broken window just seems a bit much for the normal eye. Maybe it has a hidden meaning, but until we know what it is, we can’t really say it’s pleasing to look at.


Culture and heritage are some of the most sacred things in the world. While some races have chosen to disregard tradition, others are still guarding their culture and practices with the utmost respect. This is particularly true for Pacific Islanders and their tattoos. People nowadays may be more knowledgeable of the meaning and significance behind Polynesian tattoos, but there was a time when almost every man on the planet got an ethnic tattoo without taking the time to research its meaning. This man, for example, should have never gotten a tribal tattoo as it is clear that he’s not part of the race that practices it. The symbol he decided to ink on his body might have a more sacred meaning, but we bet he doesn’t even know what it is. We’re hoping, though, that he put his credit card to good use and used it to pay for a new tattoo to cover his old one.


If you need another reason to think thoroughly about getting a tattoo, just take a look at the people who got a tramp stamp from the ’90s until the early 2000s. Sure, it was the biggest trend back then, but it didn’t really carry much meaning beyond its aesthetic value. Today, much of the men and women who took part in this trend are either covering up their tattoos or getting rid of them altogether. And we say, good for them! To be honest, it’s not the most pleasing tattoo trend, and we’re glad its era has come to an end. We’re just hoping that the lady in this picture has already gotten rid of her very own tramp stamp. If she hasn’t, well, we suggest she swipe her credit card for a replacement tattoo ASAP!


Having doodle tattoos are definitely not new. A lot of people have them, most especially parents with young kids. However, doodle tattoos are extremely hard to pull off. Most times, doodle tattoos end up looking messy and out-of-place, plus they wear out very badly over time. Just take this blue smurf doodle, for example. We highly doubt the owner would appreciate this tattoo in the years to come. Tattoos are a lifelong investment, and it seems like they made the wrong choice getting this one inked onto his skin. The tattoo is pretty small, though. So if he decides to have it covered or removed, it wouldn’t be too big of a problem. And if they do choose to have it covered, we suggest they get a professional to design their next tattoo. That way, they won’t end up regretting it.


Brand obsession is a real thing, and some people are taking it to the next level. This guy, for example, thought it would be a good idea to get the Nike logo tattooed onto his feet. The motto seems to be, if you’re going to run around barefoot, might as well do it in style. After all, Nike’s slogan does say, “Just Do It.” However, we don’t think this man will appreciate the logo for a very long time. Who knows, he might have a change of heart down the road and realize that he likes Adidas better. When that time comes, we hope his other foot has the space to accommodate another brand tattoo. We do hope, though, that he’s happy with the investment he made. Not a lot of people have the wits and courage to do what he did, so although we don’t approve of the decision, we applaud him for it.


There’s a lot of ways to express love and affection towards your friends, and apparently, having their names tattooed on your forearm is one of them. This next guy, for example, thought it would be a brilliant idea to have his friends sign their names onto his forearm and make it permanent with a tattoo. Now, he’s stuck with his friend’s name, and we’re not entirely sure if it’s a good thing or a bad thing. Maybe he got rid of it after realizing that it looked like a four-year-old’s handwriting, or maybe it’ll come in handy one day. If he gets lost, at least they have the names on his forearm to call. We’re just hoping that he’s happy with his investment ’cause he’s stuck with it forever.


We already know tattoos are a form of artistic expression, but this next guy takes it to a whole different level. While most facial tattoos are creepy and cringe-worthy, this might actually qualify as amazing. As you can see, he’s covered his entire face with tattoos, but that’s not the only thing catching our attention. If you look closely, you can actually see the amount of attention that went into the details. It’s quite bold and daring, but it surely is worth the notice. For this one, we can really tell that the owner is happy with his investment. We are too, although a full-face of blue and green tattoo is not really our aesthetic. Only very few people can pull it off, and we’re happy to see that this man carries it well.


Animal tattoos are quite common tattoos to have. However, some of these tattoos don’t quite resemble the animals. Just take a look at this next tattoo we have. It’s most definitely a marine creature, although, what kind? Some might say it’s a dolphin, but have you ever seen a dolphin that looks something like the one on the tattoo? We bet you haven’t. Neither have we. So it baffles us how the client and tattoo artist came up with this image. We’re just hoping that for the person’s sake, they had it covered or removed. It might require him/her to take out a payday loan, but if it means not getting stuck with that tattoo, we say go for it!


For many people, a tattoo serves as a reminder of the moments and people in their life. It was always meant to be something nice to look at, not a joke that you spend your investment money on. Unfortunately, things didn’t go as planned for this man. We’re not sure whether the girl in the picture is a sister or daughter, but we do know the tattoo didn’t meet their expectations. Imagine having that image permanently inked on your skin. If it feels like a nightmare, well, that’s because it is. Good thing we now have laser removal cause we’re sure they don’t want to get stuck with that image forever. As for the artist, guess we can say he has a lot of skill polishing to do.


A tattoo can either be hidden for added mystery or flaunted for the world to see. There is really no in-between. And this next individual seems to have chosen the latter when he decided to place his Ninja Turtle tattoo front and center of his face. We have to give it to him, though, he was very creative with it. It’s not something we would do or even recommend, but a dash of humor does soften the cringe for this tattoo. We don’t know if he’ll ever grow out of it, but if he does, it’s going to hit his credit card hard. Laser removal doesn’t come cheap, and we’re hoping for his sake that he has the strength to ride with his tattoo to infinity and beyond.


Nothing says intellectual more than a tattoo referencing science. Right? Well, unfortunately for this guy, not quite. What was supposed to be an edgy and cool tattoo turned into a hilarious mistake after the tattoo artist made a slightly off measurement with the man’s silhouette. If you saw the original portrait of the evolution of man, you’d know that the last picture shows a man walking upright with his hands swinging on his side. However, with only a silhouette outline for a tattoo, you could easily mistake the hand for something a bit more intimate. If you still don’t get the mistake, then consider yourself lucky. But all we can say is, it’s not too late to get a payday loan to have it fixed.


A wise man once said, “Fear is temporary, regrets are forever.” We couldn’t agree more, but you know what else lasts forever? A tattoo. So unless you’re ready to swipe your credit card for a tattoo replacement or repair, then we suggest you think long and hard before getting yourself inked. Too bad no one was there to give the same suggestion to this man before he decided to strut his way down the tattoo parlor. Now, he’s stuck with a misspelled tattoo for the rest of his life. We sure hope he’s not regertting — we mean regretting this one. To be honest, it has the potential to be a conversation starter if he’s witty enough. After all, having it replaced or removed would defeat the purpose of living life with “no regrets.”


You still remember the Drake fan, right? Well, she’s found her match with this Britney Spears superfan right here. Not only did he or she decide to have a picture of Britney tattooed on his or her body, but he or she also chose the most iconic one. Okay, maybe it’s not the most flattering photo of Britney, but a true fan sticks with their idols even through their lowest points. For that reason, and that reason only, we applaud the person behind this tattoo idea. The degree of love you need to have for the Princess of Pop must be intense to get that kind of tattoo. Anyway, do we think the tattoo is legendary? Absolutely! Do we think they should have it replaced? 100%.


We don’t know about you guys, but we don’t remember Freddie Mercury ever looking this swollen. Not sure if this was intentional or not, but this tattoo is in dire need of some fixing. We even feel sorry for the person whose arm this is. Imagine walking around with that distorted image of one of the most legendary musicians of all time. Freddie Mercury would have risen from his resting place if he saw that tattoo. Unfortunately, fixing this tattoo will most likely cost this person a lot of money. So we’re hoping he’s ready to take out some payday loans to help pay for this failed tattoo. You certainly don’t want to spend the rest of your life sporting an ugly tattoo, so we highly encourage having it fixed ASAP!


We couldn’t decide what’s funnier, the look of pure confusion on the baby’s face or the half-baked monocle drawing on mum’s face. Either way, this picture says a lot about the next tattoo we’re going to discuss. Now, we don’t know if this was a result of a drunken night out or the need for artistic expression, but it’s hideous. Even the newborn baby seems to share our sentiments. It’s so bad that the best thing we could do is give her some credit for being brave enough to have something so weird and ridiculous permanently inked on her face – of all places. Hopefully, she’ll come to her senses and have the tattoo removed. It could go somewhere else, just not the face. It had no business being there in the first place.


Unlike wine, this man’s tattoo did not age well. To be honest, though, we don’t quite know what to feel about this picture. On the one hand, we feel repulsed by the number of face tattoos this man has. But, we also feel sorry for him. I mean, just look at his face. You know he regrets it, too. Not just the tattoo, but maybe a couple of life decisions as well. He probably got inked decades ago and had no idea this is how his tattoos were going to turn out. We hope it’s not too late for him to have it removed. Although, we highly doubt it’d be safe for him at his age. So let this be a lesson to every person out there, do not get face tattoos. Please. There are other things you could spend your investment money on. Try those instead.


Humor could make all the difference between a bad tattoo and a witty one. We’ve already proven that in some of the previous pictures. However, that’s not the case with this one. Okay, maybe some people might actually find it funny; it’s just not us. What we really think is that this tattoo should have never seen the light of day, and the person behind should have never thought about it in the first place. You might laugh at it now, but regret is just right around the corner. We’re just hoping that the next time this person thinks about getting a tattoo, he’s steer clear of any ridiculous ones like this ’cause it surely is not worth the investment.


Why? Why did this person think it was a good idea to slap a huge poop tattoo on her back? It’s just so beyond our comprehension. Not only did she ink a huge image of poop on her back, but she also added some flying flies for decoration too! Like it wasn’t horrible enough to begin with. But apart from it being a terrible tattoo, it’s also a potential deal-breaker. Imagine seeing that on the back of the person you like? It wouldn’t be a pleasant sight to behold now, would it? She could’ve swiped her credit card for something else, but she really decided to spend it on a humongous poop tattoo. We’re just hoping she never regrets it ’cause that’s going to cost a lot of money to repair.


We’ve already seen some very unusual head tattoos, but this next one is probably going to trump all the others. Instead of putting the tattoo on his face, this man decided to take it up a notch by creating an entirely new face at the back of his head. So if you thought that what’s on the picture was the man’s actual face, then we hate to break it to you, but it’s not. We can surely give him some credit for being extra creative with his tattoo, though. It might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but it certainly is eyecatching. We’re also certain that his ink is a great conversation starter. Can you even imagine how that conversation would go?


Just like ordinary people, celebrities have the potential to make unusual choices too. One prime example of this would be Mike Tyson. Although his face ink is not something we would consider suggesting to everyone or anyone, it has certainly turned into Mike’s most iconic trademark. Today, not only do people know him for being a record-breaking boxing champion, but they also know him for his recognizable tattoo. In this case, Mike’s odd and unusual choice actually played out to his advantage. It might also be safe to say that because of Mike, the number of people with this type of tattoo has skyrocketed since he gained popularity. It’s just one of the many trends that the former boxing champion can take credit for.


Have you ever gone on an extremely relaxing vacation and ate an incredibly good burger that all you wanted to do afterward was have it tattooed unto your skin? No? Well, us either. However, this next person seems to know how that feels, judging by the burger tattoo they decided to ink their skin with. To be honest, it’s not a really bad tattoo (’cause you know, we’ve seen worse), but it’s not entirely normal either. Maybe we’ll give this one the benefit of the doubt and say that a very inspiring and memorable story is behind this tattoo. But whatever the reason is, we can only hope that the sight of the tattoo brings him/her a large degree of happiness.


Life is but a series of choices. And for this man, one of the choices he made will have to live on his skin forever. Too bad, though, that it didn’t really turn out the way he wanted it. We don’t really know whether the tattoo artist was nervous or if he/she was got a little too excited and added a few extra letters into the tattoo, but we do know is that that’s not how Bon Jovi wrote his iconic song lyrics. It’s not too late to have it fixed, though. It’s actually quite a minor problem, and nothing a good credit card swipe can’t fix. All the owner needs to do is strut towards the nearest tattoo shop and spend a few extra money for a fully redeemed tattoo.


Politics is a tricky area to touch on, but this next guy doesn’t seem to have any problem expressing his opinion for the world to see. Although it’s nothing like you expected. This man may have tattooed a seemingly political tattoo on his neck, but we’re not quite sure who it is he’s supporting. For one, we don’t think anyone would actually want the phrase “4Prez” to be part of their campaign slogan. Second, who is Jeb? The name surely does not ring a bell. And lastly, why would you want in permanently inked on your neck? Why? He could’ve spent his money on other investments but sadly chose this. Well, we just hope he lives out the rest of his life fully satisfied with the decision he made ’cause forever is such a long time to have “Jeb4Prez” written on your neck.


For many of us, family traditions are something we hold near and dear to our hearts. For this man, however, he likes to keep his family traditions somewhere closer, like his lips. You read that right; this man seems to have so much love and appreciation for his family’s tradition that he decided to have the words “family tradition” permanently inked unto his upper lips. Now, we don’t know if tattooing the upper lip is the tradition, but I guess we can all agree that it’s not a tradition we’d like to get behind on. We’re just hoping that he and his family are happy with whatever tradition inspired his tattoo, but we’re not suggesting an upper lip tattoo like that soon. We just don’t think it’s a worthy investment.


Out of all the tattoos we’ve covered on this list so far, this one has got to be the most patriotic. Not only did he tattoo an Australian symbol on his body, but he supersized it and plastered it on his chest. There’s definitely nothing wrong with inking images that remind you of your country unto your skin; lots of people do that but maybe go easy on the size? And throw in some nice design as well, while you’re at it. It’s going to make your investment extra worthy, trust us.
Now, anyone who sees this guy shirtless wouldn’t even have to wonder where he’s from. All they need to do is stare at his chest for a couple of seconds, and they’ll know he’s from down under.


Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just read people’s minds so we could understand their thought process? ‘Cause that would be very convenient for this next person and his/her tattoo. We don’t really know the story behind it, but surely doesn’t look like it belongs on anybody’s skin. If anything, it looks like it belongs on a corkboard of a kindergarten classroom. But despite it being less than appealing, we still give the person behind some credit for being brave enough to sport his angel tattoo out in public. Not a lot of people would have the same courage he/she has, so we definitely applaud him/her for that! Hopefully, he/she came to her/his senses and got the angel tattoo removed, or the very least, replaced. Forever is quite a long time to get stuck with something that looks like it was drawn by a severely undertrained tattoo artist. We also hope that the tattoo artist polished their skills for the sake of their future clients.


In an ideal world, there’s not a single ugly tattoo. Unfortunately, the world we live in so nowhere near ideal, and we’re plagued with horrible tattoos like this eyelid barcode tattoo. Aside from it looking less than desirable, it also looks painful. We can only imagine the pain that this girl went through to have this tattoo inked on around her eyes. Those needles were definitely not comfortable. However, we’re going to give her the benefit of the doubt and say that it wasn’t her choice. Let’s just make up a story of her losing a bet to soften the blow a little bit. Hopefully, she never regrets having this tattoo cause having it replaced would be extremely hefty on her credit card.


Thankfully, this next tattoo fail is slightly more salvageable than the rest of the tattoos on this list. However, it’s still a pretty funny one. As you can probably tell, the tattoo artist seems to have a very flimsy grasp of spelling. Okay, maybe he/she was nervous and forgot how to spell the word easy. Or maybe he/she is not done with it yet, because to be honest, the tattoo could be fixed by adding some squiggly line down the very last letter. That’s why we think it has a higher chance of getting salvaged without spending more credit card money. However, if this was indeed the result of a bad tattoo artist, then we sure hope this client never encounters them again.


Love, peace, and happiness are most definitely what the world needs right now. This woman, however, needs a better tattoo artist. You would think that an artist wielding a medium that’s capable of producing permanent art would master enough skills to do a basic tattoo like a heart, a peace sign, and a smiley face, but no! Sadly, there are still artists out there who need to go back to the drawing boards to avoid irreversible mistakes like this from happening again in the future. We bet the lady regretted this investment as soon as she saw it, but we do hope she finds a solution to it. It would be a shame if she got stuck with a tattoo like this for the rest of her life.


We don’t know about you guys, but this next person has certainly been keeping up with the trends. Not only did he/she tattoo one photo of one of the most iconic women of this generation, but three. Sadly, though, the tattoo doesn’t really live up to expectations. If you’re don’t know what Kylie Jenner looks like, then you probably would not even recognize her from this tattoo. Even we thought it was a different person if not for the bold lip and eye image, which has now become one of Kylie Jenner’s most iconic brand trademarks. The lips and the eye are actually quite forgivable, but the face simply does not cut it. Contrary to what the tattoo says, it most certainly not cute! And to be honest, Kylie’s makeup would’ve been a much better investment.


Have you ever been so obsessed with a board game that you decided to turn your face into one? No? Us either. But this next guy seems to know how that feels based on the number of black squares on his face. On the bright side, though, he doesn’t even need to bring his own board the next time he decides to play chess. He just needs to pack up the chess pieces, and he’s good to go. But as convenient as this tattoo may seem, it still doesn’t excuse it from being one of the horrible tattoos we’ve seen. We can’t help but think that it was such a huge waste of investment money. We don’t even know if he can still have it fixed, but if he still can, then we highly suggest he grab it.


We all need some good inspirational words once in a while, so having one important quote tattooed unto your skin is really not a bad idea. Just make sure that you get every single word right. This next person, however, may have been in a bit of a hurry because his/her tattoo barely makes any sense. It’s as if both the client and the artist had somewhere to be after the appointment and didn’t even bother checking the grammar before bolting for the door. And since none of them bothered to proofread the tattoo, the client will have to live with a grammatically incorrect phrase for the rest of their life. So much for having a slice of inspiration. But hey, maybe he/she can add “there’s always a rainbow after the rain” to remind him/her of the brighter side of things. We just hope the person never has to take out a payday loan to have this tattoo fixed.


Why buy designer items when you can just tattoo them directly unto your skin, am I right? This next person seems to think so too. Instead of waiting in line for anything Louis Vuitton, this person simply slapped on the brand’s fancy symbol until he, too, became a product. It might not be as fancy as the real thing, but this is probably the second-best thing. We don’t know if it’s as worthy as a designer bag, but we’ll give some credit for trying. It’s not entirely bad, to be honest, but for the sake of intellectual property, we don’t suggest any of you follow suit. If you’re planning to get something similar, then we highly suggest you sit it out until the urge to ink yourself subsides.


The world is filled with countless baffling things, but there is nothing more confusing than people who tattoo themselves with the weirdest things. Just take a look at this lady who shaved off her eyebrows and replaced them with images of what seems to be sleeping kittens. But that’s not the worst part, oh no! The worst part is that the kittens aren’t even well-drawn. Poor girl, she probably paid some hefty credit card bill for this, and it’s not even well-executed. We really don’t know what made her do it, but we hope she gets it fixed soon ‘cause we can just sense the regret in her future. Just have the kittens sleep someplace other than the top of your brows next time.


A lion tattoo is probably one of the most empowering tattoos that you could have on your body. But when the lion looks something like this, then maybe you’re better off with a butterfly tattoo instead. Not only is it poorly made, but its proportion makes it extremely hard to hide. Not unless the lady swipes her credit card to pay for its repair, she will live with the lion’s forehead for the rest of her life. We can’t even imagine how that would feel. We’re guessing she went to a really ‘affordable’ artist and did not expect to walk out with a very expensive repair job in the future. Oh, we hope she finds the right solution for this problem because this is definitely not something anyone would want to carry for the rest of their life.


Just like surgeons, tattoo artists should not be let out into the open unless they have practiced every stroke, every fleek, and every detail of their art. And with something as ambitious as a photo, you better have all the right skills to execute your client’s request. Unfortunately, this next person got so unlucky with a very undertrained tattoo artist. Instead of walking away with a memorable tattoo, she walked away with an unpleasant experience. Now, she is stuck with a failed investment that’s permanently written on her body. Hopefully, she can find a suitable solution for her problem. As for the artist, well, we hope he/she goes back to the drawing board ‘cause he/she definitely needs a lot more practice before he/she can hold a tattoo gun again.


At this point, we’re pretty convinced that obsessive fans and tattoos simply do not go well with each other. And this next girl is about to learn not to add a badly trained tattoo artist into the mix. What was supposed to be a commemorative tattoo for Robert Pattinson, aka Edward Cullen, turned into a tattoo nightmare when the tattoo artist failed to get his proportions right. But to make matters worst, the tattoo is the size of the girl’s entire back. Yikes! That’s surely going to cost her a lot of money to have fixed. We just hope she’s prepared to take out some payday loans to help with the expenses. We’re sure she’s learned her lesson after this, and we hope she never makes the same mistake again.


The term “Just Do It” has become so famous over the years, thanks to the massive popularity of the brand Nike. That certain phrase has also emboldened several individuals, including the not-so-logical ones. Just take this man, for example. We’re fairly certain that he’s a massive Nike fan judging by the huge Nike logo and slogan he decided to slap across his body. It’s a bold choice for a tattoo; we’re just not sure if it’s the right decision to make. We don’t know about you guys, but we feel he and Mr. Louis Vuitton would get along pretty well. Imagine the conversation they’d have about the brands they decided to ink their bodies with forever. We wonder if either of them thinks they made the wrong investment with their tattoo.


Are you suffering from a receding hairline? Easy, just slap on a hair tattoo and head out the door. We’re just kidding. Don’t do it, or else you’ll end up with a terrible tattoo like this next guy. He’s probably tired of having to endure thinning hair, so he took matters into his own hands and had a tattoo artist cover his head with ink. Not only does it look and sound ridiculous, but it also seems painful. Imagine sitting there for hours while someone else pricks needles into your head. That thought alone sends shivers down our spines. A wig would’ve been a better investment. Hopefully, this man grows enough hair to cover the terrible tattoo on his head.


Just like many tattoos before, this one is another case of artist failure. Thanks to another severely inexperienced tattoo artist, this next person is going to wake up and go to sleep every day with a very sad looking image of a tiger on his back. Not only is the tiger sad-looking, but it also seems to be slightly distorted. Okay, fine, maybe it’s more than just slightly distorted. And judging by the size of this thing, it probably costs a lot of money. Money that was probably better off spent on more useful and productive investments. It’s also going to cause him a lot of pain if he does decide to have it fixed. With that much area to cover, he better come prepared when he walks into the tattoo parlor.


Knowledge is definitely power, but we’re just not sure about “nolege.” Maybe if it were part of the English dictionary, it would hold some kind of power, but we’re pretty sure that that’s not even a word. Unfortunately, the guy who got this tattoo didn’t know that. We’ll give the owner of this tattoo the benefit of the doubt and say he was simply a victim of a terrible education system. However, the tattoo artist should’ve known how to read, let alone write. We simply can’t believe that he/she let out his client with a tattoo like that. It’s just so embarrassing. We wouldn’t even consider stepping out the door if we had that tattoo inked anywhere on our body, to be honest. So we hope the owner of this tattoo took the initiative to have it fixed. It would probably set your credit balance back a few bucks, but at least you won’t be walking around looking weird.


We all know Angelina Jolie is known for her luscious lips, but this next tattoo just takes it to a whole new level. We also know that tattooing is an art that’s open for interpretation, but if your ink is going to end up like this, then better sit it out. We just feel sorry for the person who got this tattoo, though. We’re sure he/she walked into the tattoo parlor with high hopes but walked out with an image of Angelina Jolie with swollen lips. Unfortunately, not all artists are talented enough to draw something as beautiful and intricate as Angelina Jolie’s face. We just hope that he/she gets it fixed with someone more talented and skilled the next time cause that tattoo is certainly an investment worth saving.


While face tattoos aren’t the easiest tattoos to execute, there are several artists out there who can get the job done flawlessly. It might require you to shell out a couple more money from your credit card than usual, but at least you’re sure you that your tattoo won’t end up like this person we have next. If it weren’t for the straightforward label on the tattoo, none of us would’ve predicted that it was Ryan Gosling, would we? Although, we’re not quite sure where all the spider legs came from. Did Ryan Gosling star as Spiderman, or did we miss something? Whoever this person with a Ryan Gosling tattoo is, we’re hoping that he/she gets this fixed before Ryan Gosling himself sees it. If Ryan is anything like the rest of us, he’ll probably cringe at the sight of it too.


There are two things we can predict from this next person on our list. First, he loves fast food. Second, he doesn’t have a favorite. But however ridiculous the idea of tattooing fast food logos on your skin may seem, his is actually quite well done. If you zoom in on his tattoos, you’d see that his tattoo artist did a pretty flawless job in making them look accurate. Don’t be fooled, though we still think that this is a waste of investment money. Maybe if at least one of those brands see this photo of him, they’d actually reach out and sponsor the guy. Who knows, he might just make some money off of his unusual tattoos. If that happens, then we might consider getting one ourselves.


Dishonor is indeed a shameful thing to bring to yourself and your family. But do you know what else brings a large degree of shame? Ugly tattoos. And this next man is about to learn that the hard way. After strutting down the tattoo parlor to get some powerful words inked on his skin, he walked away with a severely distorted tattoo that’s nowhere near honorable. Not only is it distorted and uneven, but the spelling is also erroneous. If you haven’t caught the typographical error yet, just turn your eyes on the word “dishoner.” Just the thought of having it inked on a person’s skin forever is already giving us goosebumps. Hopefully, the person had this tattoo removed or covered up already. Maybe he/she can even take a payday loan to help with the repair.


They say when you’re young, you make a lot of stupid decisions. They’re not wrong. Just take a look at this next guy who decided to have his birth year plastered across his chest. He may seem happy about his art investment, but we don’t think he’ll be smiling about it in the long run. Good thing we now have the science to solve that problem. It might set him back a few hundred dollars, but at least he has the option to have it removed. It might also cause him some pain, but it’s really a small price to pay for lifelong protection from embarrassment. Hopefully, this millennial has now learned his lesson and will never make the same mistake again.


If you’re someone who suffers from bad dreams frequently and is superstitious, then you have probably enlisted the help of a dream catcher at least once in your life. This next lady, however, took dream-catching to the next level when she decided to have the thing permanently tattooed on her arm. At least, she’ll never have to worry about bad dreams ever again. However, we do think the tattoo can use a few upgrades. It might be a little unpleasant to look at, but with the help of a good tattoo artist, this dream can transform into a masterpiece. Since it’s a lifelong investment, we sure hope the lady behind this tattoo considers having it covered. She won’t regret it in the long run.


We’ve already seen some pretty outrageous tattoos on this list, but there is nothing that can prepare you for what’s next. This troll tattoo may seem bad at first glance, but we wouldn’t really call it a failure. Although it is not something we would recommend to our readers, we still give this man some credit for being creative. Quite frankly, it is not an attractive tattoo, but even we have to admit that the tattoo artist did a pretty good job at drawing that troll doll onto his client’s skin. We also admire the fact that the person behind this tattoo had the wits to incorporate his bodily features with the tattoo. We hope he can maintain it, though.


For many people, dogs are more than just pets — they are family. So it’s not surprising that a lot of those people decide to immortalize their fur friends with a tattoo once they cross the rainbow bridge. If you’re someone who’s planning to do the same, then we highly suggest you choose a skilled artist. The reason we’re saying this is because you don’t want to end up like this next person on our list who had his tattoo butchered by an undertrained tattoo artist. He probably regretted this investment as soon as he saw it, but hey, it’s not too late to have it fixed. This tattoo of his dog probably meant a lot to him, and it would be a shame if he didn’t spend a little extra to have it fixed.


Judging by the design and placement of this guy’s tattoo, we’re assuming that he’s a hardcore Harry Potter fan. However, we also think he’s a hard metal fan, and in an attempt to combine the two, he ended up with this unpleasant tattoo of a lightning bolt on his forehead. He would’ve been better off with the original design, but maybe his creative juices got the best of him. Fortunately, it’s not too late to have it fixed. He still has the option of having it lasered, although it’s probably going to be heavy on his credit card. We’re also hoping that this guy has learned his lesson on bad tattoos and bad artists, so he can make an effort to stay away from them the next time he decides to ink himself again.


Tattooing one simple word onto someone else’s skin seems pretty, right? Well, not for this tattoo artist. This guy had one job, and that was to ink the word “patience” onto his client’s skin, but he or she still failed at it. Now his client is stuck with a misspelled word for the rest of his or her life. Hopefully, the client has a lot of patience because having this fixed is going to take a lot of time and money from their credit card as well as pain to endure. On the bright side, however, the tattoo only consists of one word. That means it would only take a few strokes and flicks before it’s back to normal. So, ladies and gentlemen, let this be a reminder to spell check with your tattoo artist before committing to a lifelong tattoo.


Unlike the rest of the tattoos mentioned in this article, this one requires a bit of thinking before you can realize what’s wrong with it. But if you still don’t get the mistake, then allow us to elaborate. If you’re wondering, the fail on this tattoo has nothing to do with its design nor its spelling. Instead, let’s shift our focus on the context. The phrase says, “I Refuse To Sink” while depicting a ship’s anchor. Now, if you’re familiar with how ships work, then you would know that an anchor is supposed to sink for it to perform its function. So, having the phrase, “I Refuse To Sink” written next to an image of an anchor is ridiculous at best. We hope this tattoo doesn’t sink out of embarrassment with the investment that he or she has made.


It’s a no-brainer that if you want a nice-looking tattoo, you should get a highly-skilled tattoo artist as well. Unfortunately, this next person had the faintest clue of that and dived directly into the arms of a severely undertrained tattoo artist. The result? Well, a lone wolf tattoo that makes it clear why he/she is a lone wolf. Who would even want to show-off that tattoo? Maybe this person had a deep personal connection with wolves and the values they symbolize, so we do feel sorry for this failed tattoo. We hope he has a credit card to help him pay the bills of having it covered or replaced. If not, well, he just has to endure the embarrassment because that tattoo is not going anywhere for the rest of his precious life.


For most people, doing makeup is not a big deal. However, to makeup enthusiasts, makeup is crucial — especially eyebrows. Unfortunately for this next lady, her bid to become a makeup and tattoo influencer failed when she walked out of the tattoo parlor, looking like a rip-off replica of Nike and Adidas. We may not be happy with the outcome of her little trip to the parlor, but it seems like she is. Let’s just hope that for her sake, she never regrets inking the logos of Nike and Adidas Jordans on her face, of all places. In our opinion, this sort of tattoo is not a worthy investment, so think twice before stepping foot into that parlor. You don’t want to end up like this lady right here.


If you’re vegan, you’re probably tired of people asking you why. Or you’re probably tired of having to ask for the vegan menu in the store. We know this next guy is. And his solution — tattooing the word vegan in one of the most conspicuous places of his body, his neck. It’s a pretty tattoo to look at, but at least it has a purpose, right? At least now, he won’t have to tell people or ask the waiter for the vegan menu because all they have to do is look at his neck, and they’ll know he doesn’t do meat. Although it’s kind of useful, we still don’t recommend it to anyone who’s thinking of getting a neck tattoo. It’s not a worthy investment.


No, your brain is not messing with you. There’s only one person in the picture, and it’s a man with a tattoo of his face on his face! Yes, you read that right. This man had the brilliant idea of making the tattoo artist tattoo him with an image of his face directly on top of his facial features. We don’t even know if this counts as an artistic tattoo, but we give it credit for being a hilarious one. Now, we don’t exactly know why this person even bothered to get this tattoo, but maybe, he got this inked on his face so he wouldn’t be caught asleep. It’s not exactly a genius idea, but it could work. If he falls asleep on the job, no one would even know because of the tattoo. That is, of course, if you don’t have a sharp eye for bad tattoos.


Have you ever looked at someone and thought how perfectly you fit each other? Well, this next person definitely has, and they celebrated it with a very cheesy tattoo of two puzzles. There’s one problem, though. It doesn’t make any sense. Why? Well, just look closely at the two puzzles on their wrist. Notice anything off? They’re both corner pieces that definitely do not go with each other! If you’ve done puzzles at least once before, you would know that corner puzzles do not go with each other. To a certain degree, the pieces may fit. But they are not meant for each other, just like the couple in the picture. Maybe they’d be able to fix destiny if they ran to the nearest tattoo shop to have this fixed, but until then, they are not two meant-to-be.


To a certain degree, youth and stupid decisions are synonymous. And what better way to showcase this than with the next tattoo on this list. If you’ve been keeping up with the last ten years, then you’re probably familiar with the Harlem Shake trend that blew up in 2012. It was so famous back then that it had all sorts of people posting their cringy dance covers online. However, this man loved the trend so much that he decided to have it inked unto his skin. Now, the Harlem Shake will live on for as long as this boy shall live. And if that doesn’t make the photo cringe-worthy enough, just take a look at the mismatched shoes. Now that’s a true mark of youth!


As much as we want to hate this next tattoo, we simply can’t. It’s too funny to hate but also too ugly to recommend. Even we have to admit that this tattoo of a red Sonic the Hedgehog has the potential to kick start some very interesting conversations. So, in that case, maybe he does know de way. We don’t know about you guys, but we’re hoping this one actually keeps his tattoo. It’s not cute, for sure, but you have to give the guy credit for using his wits and humor for this one. It makes it less cringy and a bit more tolerable. We’re even wondering if he has other tattoos like this one. It’d be pretty funny to see them, don’t you think?


If you’re like any other humans on this earth, then your life is probably filled with several key moments. Some you want to remember forever, and some you would much rather forget. And this next lady had the best of both worlds when she encountered a blunder while getting tattooed. What was supposed to be a sentimental moment to help her remember one of the happiest moments of her life turned into a disaster when her tattoo artist misspelled her tattoo. Instead of inking the words, “Prom Queen” unto her back, the artist gave an entirely different moment to remember when he/she inked, “Prome Queen.” We don’t know if that’s even an English word, but we’re guessing that it’s not. It may seem funny at first, but when you think about it, the lady with the tattoo probably felt incredibly frustrated when she first saw it in the mirror. On the bright side, however, the tattoo is easy to fix. We don’t even think it’s going to cost her credit card a lot of money.


There are a lot of tattoos out there dedicated to people’s parents. Some are quite artistic and well-made, while the rest could use some fixing. This next one is obviously part of the latter. It’s pretty safe to assume that this person initially wanted to ink “Thanks mother for my life,” but instead got “Thenks mather for my life.” We don’t know who’s in charge of proofreading these tattoos, but so far, none of them did a good job. Now, all these people on our list are stuck with terrible tattoos like this one, and they would have to spend the rest of their lives explaining the back story of these failed tattoos. But thanks to technology and the power of credit cards, they can simply head towards another tattoo parlor and have it either removed or covered.


They say, “legends never die,” but we’re not sure if the same thing applies to “ledgends.” This guy, however, seems to think that those two words are one and the same. He’s even proudly posing with his tattoo as if nothing is wrong with it. If no one has pointed it out yet, then someone really should. He’s probably going to regret it in the future. That is if he hadn’t already. So, ladies and gentlemen, let this be a reminder to check and recheck with your tattoo artists before making any tattoos permanent. It’s a lifelong investment, and taking extra time to make sure it’s perfect will save you from having any lifelong regrets. But you probably know that by now.


We’ve already seen some pretty creative tattoos on this list, but this next one will probably top it all off. While this tattoo doesn’t necessarily meet the criteria of a great tattoo, it does have a dash of humor that makes it slightly more tolerable. If we had to guess, we’re going to say that this man probably had long locks and had to cut it short for some reason. And instead of growing the hair back as most people do, this man simply went the easy route and had it tattooed instead. For that, we give him credit for being nifty and creative. Who knows, he might just start a trend with this little tattoo. We’re just not sure if it’s a trend people would be happy to see.


A lion tattoo is perhaps one of the coolest tattoos a person can have. But if it’s one with lazy hands and zero attention to detail, then it’ll probably turn out like this next picture we have. While we can still see the image of a lion and a cub clearly, it’s still not our idea of an “acceptable” tattoo. There is some degree of potential there, but we’re just not sure if the tattoo artist behind it is ready to accept more clients. Maybe if he/she went back to tattoo school, they might just have the chance to fix this mess of a tattoo they created the first time around. But until then, they should keep practicing. Not on human skin, though!


Long before the age of smartphones and high megapixel cameras, we had digicams. That was definitely a weird time, especially for selfie-obsessed individuals. Back then, we didn’t have the luxury of a rear camera, so most of us relied on mirror selfies (although we still do that with our iPhones) and our senses when we had to flip the camera to take pictures of our faces. It was an odd time indeed, and this girl made sure she remembered it. We’re not saying that tattooing your own face on your skin is wrong, but a mirror selfie? Out of all the possible pictures, this person really chose a mirror selfie from 2009 as their tattoo. It’s not our cup of tea, but we hope they’re happy with their investment.


As many of you may know, getting a tattoo in a different language and alphabet is very common. We’ve seen ones written in Chinese, Japanese, Arabic, and of course, Hebrew. There is absolutely nothing wrong with them per se, especially if it’s the language of your ancestors. There’s just one problem with this type of tattoo, though — translation. If you’re planning to get one yourself, we’re begging you to run it through with someone who actually speaks the language and not rely on online translators. This girl, for example, had to learn the hard way after failing to understand that her tattoo actually read “Babylon is the world’s leading dictionary and translation software.” Now she’ll have to live with this failed investment for the rest of her life. Yikes!


While we’re on the topic of failed translation, we might as well talk about one of the most famous tattoo blunders in Hollywood — Ariana Grande’s Japanese tattoo. Unfortunately, just like the Hebrew tattoo, Ariana also had no idea what her tattoo actually meant. And since this happened in the age of digital shaming, the internet had a field day picking apart the 7 Rings singer. We don’t know what Ariana initially wanted her tattoo to read, but we’re guessing it’s not “BBQ Grill.” Ariana’s case is also a special one since she would never have realized her mistake had it not been for the internet’s diligence in spotting celebrity failures. We’re not worried for her, though. She has quite an impressive credit score, so she can definitely afford to have this small tattoo fixed.
