Your Favorite Actors Impersonating Others — The Best and The Funniest of Them All

Have you ever heard of impersonation and inception? There is no such word yet, but that is when an actor impersonates another person who is making an impression of someone else. Moreover, it is getting quite common in Hollywood that the term might exist. While many of us would think that actors are pretty severe human beings, they are not. Most of them, just like us, enjoy a good laugh now and then. When you are in the business of acting, then you use acting to generate slapping laughter too. Impersonating another actor or actress is one way to get that. Of course, no one could perfectly imitate someone else, but the beauty lies there.

When imitating someone else, a combination of qualities of the person being replicated and the person’s characteristics make the impression. That awkward situation is what makes it all funny. Also, inappropriate images are not bad—you will see that later in the list. Impersonating someone else is also one way of showing respect to a certain degree. They say that imitation is the best form of flattery, after all.

Tom Hiddleston | Chris Evans & Chris Hemsworth

So Tom Hiddleston is badass. He has received several accolades, including a Laurence Olivier Award and a Golden Globe. His character portrayal of Loki in the MCU is the best. More importantly, it probably reflects the acting education he received from the Royal Academy of Art. One skill he has also mastered is impersonation.

Hiddleston has this bias towards impersonating actors whose name is Chris, from Evans to Hemsworth. However, we can say that he does an excellent job of imitating Evans. The British actor appears to have perfected the impersonation down to Captain America’s voice inflection and facial expressions. Also, when a fan asked him to do an Evans, he was only happy to oblige and made the crowd laugh. He can also do a Thor imitation snappily. On the flip side, when Hemsworth attempted to imitate Loki, Hiddleston praised and gave him credit.
